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Everything posted by weealx

  1. She's doing a fine job .... someone has to! Because while Kath's away...weealx will play. Hey mamac you are confusing me with someone else from a different thread.
  2. Hi rose, hope all is well, perhaps you ought to go to the docs,(no chance at wendis' surgery), and get something to calm you down.
  3. No !!! off to your bed......... NOW !!! oh you are beginning to sound like daughter of cybergranny
  4. Hi Shari, just to prove life is funny and no one pays attention to the ads at the bottom of post pages, when the nhs was being battered today on the OLDLINGS thread the ad at the bottom of the page was about dementia, very apt for this thread, and I thoughtfunny considering the topic being discussed
  5. can I come back in if I promise to behave myself.
  6. time I behaved before I get into trouble, apologies if you were offended, but hey cannot be nice all the time.
  7. Don't look down, Don't look down, Don't look down
  8. 2 men are at opposite side of the world. one is walking a tightrope between 2 skyscrapers, the other is having oral sex from a 90year old woman, what are they both thinking?
  9. Hi Silver, read on, and you Anna
  10. Me 6 months ago came the reply
  11. A man is making love to his new girlfriend when he notices a photograph of a man on the bedside table, Is that your ex? he asks No, she replies Is it your dad? he asks No, she replies Is it your brother? he enquires No, she replies Well who the heck is it? he demands
  12. hey Anna, I am no comedian, life is too serious.
  13. hi to the Trooter clan, my insiders suggested where your clan come from, will pm you
  14. Hi clog wearer, how can it be possible to use funny----Dutch----- comedian in the same sentence
  15. hey cyber granny, prizes for guessing there names
  16. hi vicky, hows things, hope all is well
  17. complete new room, it was my bedroom, now my son is having it, so can't be that bad
  18. Hi there my clog wearing Dutch person, good to hear you had a great weekend, we all had fun here, good day tomorrow the decorators finish, I can get back to normal at home.all seems quiet here. hi everyone else
  19. that is Canada off the must visit list
  20. Hi CC, hope the w/e was good for you, you have a lot of reading to catch up, Saturday nijght was hilarious, well worth reading, must go now, catch you all later.
  21. Hey MamaC. hoping the world is allright with you, preparing for hamsterjam, so working my sox off, and now have to take son into town. so hello and bye, I will return
  22. well that is nice I come online and everybody goes away, even my little clog wearing Dutch person
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