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Everything posted by weealx

  1. YES, finally confirmation for hotel in Amsterdam, go the weeman. wonder what size and style of clogs go with the kilt?
  2. Hi Carrie, Being an oldling, can you tell me when the midnight train to georgia leaves, and where from?
  3. there you are AMP special mention x
  4. To be honest Alex, I don't know about you but I find that a cock that rises too early is a bit of a pain! only if you have a headache. lol
  5. Hi great aunt mamaC, if Mika or his team are looking in, I would happily teach the big man to drive, so if any of the mans team look in pm me, confidentiality assured, my lessons have to be fun,even the mistakes no matter how serious can have fits of laughter once the problem is solved. we have some lovely big snowflakes today, and I still teach in weather like this, as when the pupils pass their test they will have to drive in all conditions, hope life stays good for you.
  6. Hi AnnaMaria, I was trying to remember everyone very quickly, sorry you did not get a mention, you are just as special as everyone else.
  7. No, Mika did not wake me this morning! popping in quickly, hi Kath if you are still here, there is nothing worse than waking up with a lazy cock, train your cock to be an early riser,
  8. I thought you nickname was access, your flexible friend, whatever happened to access cards
  9. put a word in his ear wendi, I said a word not your tongue
  10. footie is on tv, I'm at pc with sunglasses on, thankfully kids are good when I'm like this, put packet of tea in teapot instead of caddy this morn, realised just before putting hot water in, would have been pretty strong tea. doc hasn't seen oldlings on the move,
  11. Bags I drive Mika on tour, and anywhere else, combined with teaching him to drive, go on geeza job, put a word in:thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:
  12. hello, is it me your looking for, sorry wrong singer, how is everyone, I have just taken tablet to try and avert migraine, wendi hope the pain eases, tell doc if he doesn't listen you will muster the oldlings and we will march on his surgery, ( hopefully no one will fall off the roof. Hi pooh hope this week is lucky on job front for you, rose just put that prog on sky+, enjoy your doggie thing next week
  13. Good morning Ladies, i have been out teaching in the snow, great fun emergency stops, hope you all have a good day whatever you do, I'm off and on all day.
  14. time for me to go as well, been a good night, rest well wherever you may be.
  15. steady on ladies, should have posted health warning, get betablockers to slow those heartbeats.
  16. sorry shari, sent to wrong number, was it in colour?
  17. congrats on 18,000, ( 1,000 for every year of age) or 1,000 for every bacardi Kath has on each Friday night
  18. that is why I'm seeing double, thought you had split personality
  19. and if I said that you would abandon me
  20. Apologies to those I have missed off the list, thats the problem with being old.SORRY
  21. as a celebration of my millenium of posts, my therapist and social service person have both agreed to ask the judge to relieve me from having to continue serving my sentence, which was for singing Mika songs out of tune in public, for causing distress the judge did not think I should be let off lightly, therefore I was sentenced to be an oldling, where I had to chat to everyone on the thread. I have appointed a Barrister to fight my case to stay as I do not feel my singing has improved, and having met so many nice people, OK, including Kath and her continuing supply of bacardi, could be setting me a bad example as I near the oldling age, and having Wendi as my cyber granny to keep me in check, then their is my little clog wearing dutch girl miek, and the girl with the broken van Rose, Shari had me confused for a while with her serene appearance though the veil has recently dropped, great aunt mamacatt is begining to join the dig at weealx platoon, silver has always poppin in for a chat, and now I am seeing double with 2 carries' there is Pooh and Robi, VLM part of the Scottish brigade, leonita, and Bexxy, saralou CC, FD pops in from time to time. not forgetting our headmistress DCDEB All I want to say is a big THANKYOU to everyone for the fun and chat, may it long continue. ANNA MARIA PETRA, YOU ARE SPECIAL sorry for not naming you earlier. xx
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