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Everything posted by weealx

  1. that wasn't a review that was a runnig commentry, good reading though
  2. great aunt mammacatt, smiling encourages others to think you are happy, I have yet to decide.
  3. difficult I do, impossible not:thumb_yello:
  4. AND...............I din't start the cock coming business! that was Adam
  5. cyber gran and great aunt mamacat, wonderful
  6. hi carrie and everyone I have yet to reply to, hope all is well, nothing wrong with me, unless it gets me in the harem
  7. hello daughter of cyber gran, all well new thread and you start with innuendos
  8. Hi Silver everything ok with you, take it if this is a harem, then I am a eunich
  9. Hi DEB, hope all is well that is what cyber grannies do, help the young ones
  10. Hi Shari, whatever happened at the Queen convention, wash your mouth out. Hope all is well
  11. Hi Robi Have a great evening in the real world
  12. Hi Laurel, all is quiet here, even if it wasn't we had a power cut for about an hour this afternoon, didn't interfere with footie on tv, which had finished beforehand. hope all is well with you
  13. not ashamed to say such a quick exit was a little concerning, if something not nice happened I might have had to push CYBER GRANNY to hamsterjam. suppose concern was for myself, selfish little bandit that I am.
  14. Hi trouble, daughter of cyber granny, talk about a quick exit last night, anyway hope all is well with you today, so tempted to make smutty remark about todays arrival. have a good day
  15. HI Sarahlou, sounds like you should be tucked up on the sofa, resting, hope you feel better for Tuesday.
  16. I trust today finds all of you in good spirits. I am settled with a roll and blackpudding and egg, lovely.
  17. MamaC I thought you gave me a nice comment, the one you replied to was a comment I made to Kath, have you crossed wires?
  18. time for me togo, have 2 hours teaching in morning, so I bid you all farewell and trust you rest well. see you all tomorrow. goodnight
  19. have a restful night, talk soon
  20. wendi wasn't amused is she ever our beloved cyber grannie
  21. 2nd sperm; yea and we haven't reached the osophegus yet
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