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Everything posted by weealx

  1. and my mirror tells untruths, not like my pics.
  2. Hi Rose you drive safely, your girls are on a low, they need spicing up.
  3. if all wendis' troops are this low before friday night battle with weealx, then victory will be mine with ease.
  4. thankyou for making me oldling jester, if any of you lovely people feel blue, just think how lucky you are, I have to look at my face in the mirror first thing every morning, then think I don't feel half as bad as weealx must feel.
  5. Hi Robi, cheer up your son will be home soon, and your friends all feel the same, could be worse, I could be singing.
  6. don't talk about buffy, hev got eaten by Anthony Head in Dr Who, he is a really nice guy
  7. I will be lurking until after football, make pop in with comment have a fun evening
  8. Hi Pooh, how is the job front? hope you are well, all down to Tam Paton, who seemed to make more than the band, something wrong somewhere.
  9. Hi Silver nothing happening here, everybody cleared off, left sitting twiddling thumbs, how is life in darkest mika land
  10. have fun, and no flat notes earplugs at the ready
  11. better being in management or producing or composing
  12. I'm an oldie, repeating myself
  13. ripped off as most artistes were in those days, and will continue as young people seek fame and fortune
  14. ripped off as most artistes were in those days, and it will continue for evermore, as young people seek fame and fortune
  15. hi Laurel, re - emergence of BCR fan Club ?
  16. BCR came a few years after ziggy, hunky dory, aladin Sane, (a lad insane) which was a reference to bowie's' brother, and don't forget "keep a little Marc in your heart", Marc Bolan oh those were the days
  17. did I say otherwise, both hev & ewan know all about the BCR, and enjoy some of the songs
  18. how I listened to david bowie Ziggy Stardust and the spyders from mars in the days of proper music, and BCR
  19. and what do you think I would say??? :naughty:
  20. do not forget to copyright your music
  21. I thought someone posted to use it as a dartboard, you have to keep me in order,
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