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Everything posted by weealx

  1. it all depends wether or not I'm kilted, and after todays chat, I'm not sure about hamsterjam, listening to my little clog wearing Dutch girl, lol
  2. either or or or neither, my eyes are not that good
  3. Wendi, just scored 4232 so come on get crackin
  4. listen to the clogs talking, did we meet earlier, or were you babysitting the old man?
  5. it was the small packet with the coffee, it was not sugar
  6. Hi CC nothing apart from our clog wearing Dutch companion. How is life with you today
  7. after todays conversation I am officially declaring that MIEK, clog wearer from Dutchland, is a mischievious troublemaker. told you I would write it.
  8. reported it, too many young people around to read that nonsense
  9. NORMAL WOMAN in the same sentence, sort out your grammar
  10. strange thats what they say about me,
  11. Hi Robi, did your son get away ok this morning? you have been watching to much Coronation Street,
  12. can we stop posting that picture kids are in tears, therapy tomorrow, calling the medics, give them something to calm them down for the night
  13. naughty people out there, naughty naughty naughty
  14. nope, mine were sent to Australia thievin bandits
  15. and to think our forefathers sent your forefathers to make a new land, obviously we sent the ones without manners or politeness
  16. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14193
  17. has anyone been reading what Jordan is alledged to have said about mika?
  18. I am learning about having chickens now
  19. do not start spreading rumours
  20. it has fallen upon me to call order to this, what appears to be a combination of boredom and mass hysteria, which is not good for each individual, or for the national grid and telecommunication systems. May I suggest that a period of calm prevails and normal old woman talk takes place, ie; knitting patterns, crotchet and cooking.
  21. I look on my part here as the gamekeeper trying to keep the flocks of different species from getting crossed wires
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