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Everything posted by weealx

  1. o yes they do, especially when they put their teeth in
  2. It must be afternoon nap time for oldlings
  3. Good day everyone, see the smutty comments are still being banded around
  4. I have to take someone to test tomorrw, and as the clocks go back tonight I will take my leave and wish you all a peaceful night. bye
  5. and who is spreading rumore saying I'm a gentleman ???
  6. who me? surely not??? are you sure ????
  7. lost your bottle have you ????? bacardi must taste good tonight
  8. or just old, I disagreed with the statement, another in need of varifocals.
  9. ladies, what sort of talk is this from old people, Mika is a young man and not requiring a surrogate great grandmother
  10. if you read the statement you should have noticed I said I disagree.
  11. sounds like titch !!!!!!! too much alcohol @young' lady, using the term very loosely
  12. OK I will not mention it again. should it not have been a 'b' ? I disagree
  13. hope your spelling is correct !!!!!!!!
  14. are you talking of my previous avatar? thanks very much, very kind of you
  15. yours or mine? did you get on ok with msn, did you eat in bed and get crumbs everywhere. :roftl:
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