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Everything posted by weealx

  1. ooooooooooooooooooo, I don't frequent alleys, much to clever for that, anyway isn't sheena supposed to be female. lol she is a normal if not typical of scottish burds,
  2. not on me............................................trouble
  3. are they not called bath chairs?
  4. when you pull the young guys, does the sledge have wheels?
  5. does his guide dog type correctly, or was he talking in stones?
  6. anything bad about england is ok by Scotland
  7. got to go and carry on with my tasks, catch you later bye for now.
  8. yeah right, you are unique, no one compares to you.
  9. yep, but you got to know me better yesterday, on the thread battle re commences. how is the plastic cheese you eat over there? good for the greenhouse effect
  10. I'm good thanks, enjoyed our cyber time yesterday, just shows we are not the same people on the threads,
  11. HEY SCG, just an update on Miek, according to our Dutch friend, I am a skirt wearing wanna be British person. and all because they wear blocks of wood instead of proper shoes.
  12. Hiya trouble, hope all is well and you had a good evening watching criminals on tv, did you learn anything? You should be given a medal for trying to hold onto the battle when your comrades deserted you. I'm on and off as I'm trying to get ready for decorators on monday.
  13. thing is manners and respect are learnt over a long period of time not a quick fix thing. that is the point I was trying to say earlier, the difference between punishment and abuse, being hit for the sheer heck of it, also the mental side of just the threat of violence. I don't think the behaviour of some 'celebrities help, because they earn a lot of money, they should set the example to all, then again the chelsea captain parking in a disabled persons parking space whilst he went for lunch at a pizza place is precisely what i'm saying, lots of money and no respect
  14. did that make you an irresposible person, or were the lessons learnt, I would hate to be a teacher nowadays.
  15. spot the teddy bear!!!!!!!!! don't use smilies, the guidlines say if you post something and use smilies to imply you are joking, mods and or admin will not accept that excuse, I tend to use only 2 of the blighters.
  16. Nothing wrong with council estates, it is how the people conduct themselves, Parental control is missing nowadays, though that does not include everyone, as usual the minority are the focus and it should be up to the majority to sort out the problems that are caused, how many people live within their 4 walls, and never speak to the neighbours, when I was growing up in Motherwell we knew everyone within our area, and those we did not know we knew others who knew the ones we didn't, if that makes sense. If a child including teenagers, was causing a problem they were told, and their parents were told as well, the same happened in school, if we got the belt, you knew you'd get another at home, discipline was tough but taught us to respect others, and try to do the right thing, I appreciate there is a difference between the punishments we got, and abuse, most of the time we got what we deserved,. lets get serious, kids have no respect because when they want something they get it, therefore are not used to being told no. And that is not only kids nowadays older people are the same. set the example as parents, and bring children up with good morals.
  17. There is nothing wrong with manners as described, we were brought up giving the proper respect to others, but living in various parts of the uk I haven't noticed to much concern for others, it is all me,me,me, I think it is due to immigration and the way different cultures are, at some point we have to be tolerent, at other times we need to explain and reason, trouble is no one is willing to listen to another point of view. I have lost count of the number of times I have heard people say, 'This is me, and people can either like me or not I don't care, I'm not changing for anyone', no matter who we are or how old e are we can always learn from our mistakes and others.
  18. Hi pohh, glad I caught you, did you know it is the World Poohsticks Championships on Sunday? taking place in either Oxfordshire or Cambridgeshire, suppose you could find details on google search. have a good day.
  19. I have to share this, My pupil who took HIS driving test this morning, passed with NO driving faults, first time that has happened to one of my pupils, had some with 1 or 2 minor faults, but never 0. I have to point out it was a MALE pupil now I'm off to watch football on tv
  20. best have a glass of wine, sit in the relaxing chair and unwind, you will have to be on top form tonight.
  21. what do you mean? is it because you are too soft for tonights battle, have I worn you down yet, perhaps general wendi will not be happy.
  22. what pm? where did you send it?
  23. try this game, so much fun and addictive. http://yeti-sport.freeonlinegames.com/
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