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Everything posted by weealx

  1. thats what happens when females try to think too hard, they always come in with a negative, stop at two, if we oldlings are in hamsterjam, who is going to be here for you to chat to? tell school to rearrange the lottery.
  2. Morning Robi, weealx is already on 15 preparing the ground, and yeah, hamsterjam will be fun, if our friends in the Netherlands need lessons in hostility, sorry hospitality, wendi and kath are the ones to get it organised,
  3. LA has done a runner, and pooh is off too, better get on the phone your numbers are diminishing rapidly. and I'm so scared
  4. starting to feel sorry for me, b****hit, just preparing your losing speech.
  5. hope someone tells me where after gig party is.
  6. morning pooh, keep trying, if you like that game try this one http://yeti-sport.freeonlinegames.com/ so much fun, my score is 4107, and every high score gets piccied on mobile just for proof. so bring it in baby
  7. morning LA Fashionstatement, the females bring in young one because they are useing you as they have no stamina.
  8. morning miek, sweet talk before the battle, honeybum, is this the gameplan to try and soften me so my guard drops, as I notice a few of the female troops are partying tonight, alledgedly, cowardly if you ask me.
  9. West side story, 1 from the west side and the other from the east side, kids nowadays say in their 'Gangsta' talk, and don't go on about old movies, thinking on didn't you appear in a Buster keaton movie?
  10. sounds like fighting talk, having read the new regs, I've decided to use them to the max, so bring it down sister I'm on the west side.
  11. most of your troopers are still waiting for carers to arrive and get them out of bed, talking of carers what has happened to Bexxy, haven't seen her all week? Hope your power does not go down, and you come out fighting, with your gang.
  12. who cares what the weather is? today is friday and I am going to have a relaxing day, and tonight I will be ready for the battle here tonight, they have new machines down at the local gym, and yesterday I spent a lot of time on them, there was crisps, mars bars, sweets, fizzy drinks, yep I'm all for techno;ogy.
  13. welcome to a lovely day, here is hoping that you all have as good a day whatever the weather,
  14. Saint Andrews cross,one of Scotlands flags, with a thistle (national flower/emblem) enclosed in a heart.
  15. Hi to all who are here tonight. Deb has a lot to answer for, allowing me to test avatar and I'm on for a couple of minutes. hevalump was making something for me on the computor and included my avatar which used to be my wallpaper on my mobile phone, didn't want to frighten you all with a facial pic, anyway wendi & kath would print it and use it on the dartboard. thanks for all the nice comments, especially the one stating it was very masculine, wish I was !!!!
  16. yep, definately keeping order on the slopes, kath would be on the (piste) if she was there, good pics robi
  17. message for wendi hev has officially changed it into a definate. happy now
  18. time for me to go, so i'll bid you all goodnight, must rest for the battle on friday night, so beware you know who you are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumb_yello:
  19. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  20. I only know about it cause i saw a dvd in the shop, basically i am like peter pan without the intelligence.
  21. doesn't know how to change, it does say got my tickets, and she couldn't get them without me. if you can change it please do:thumb_yello:
  22. as in the James cagney film angels with dirty faces
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