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Everything posted by weealx

  1. what makes you think I'm ugly ??????? I've got loads to do in the house, no housemaid today, can anyone tell me what this dyson is used for, and where does the dishwasher switch on, maid hasn't told me where she put the remote control for electrical items.
  2. does anyone work for the council, even on non bank holidays
  3. GOOD DAY you beautiful people, and wendi and kath, and rose. Hi FD if your still sober. of course fishmongers count, they use FISHFINGERS
  4. Well it may be Good Friday, but I have to go to work, I will bid you all a very good night, and Wendi when she returns, see you all for frightening Friday night oldling meet.
  5. does your hubby do cabaret as well as kids? and are you his debbie mcGee,?
  6. after the comments on earlier posts looks like mika is now being recognised for his efforts and is here for the long haul, lets hope he doesn't change too much, the next album will be the big test, looking forward to moving on from LiCM.
  7. HYPOCONDRIACT and I don't care about spelling
  8. cheque book hurts, credit cards hurt, bank account hurts, need I go on where's Wendi gone ? that's where the wallpaper is going to be based, at home, that's why it is called homebase
  9. best way of hanging paper is to use strips of velcro, so easy to take off paper next time you decorate. your paper is a true oldie, well a 1 year oldling. I have decorators coming in a week on Monday, does that make me lazy?
  10. Shari you have to explain in detail for some,, eh Wendi?
  11. Hi Shari, have you both been watching and recording those tv programmes, or is LLB coming round with his team??
  12. that leaves you and me on duty till our guests from accross the pond arrive. what were the girls having a dipute about? or is that not for thread, anything like hev and ejc probably something trivial.
  13. oops! thanks for reminding me where I left her.
  14. goodnight Pooh, get ready for Friday night with the best thread on MFC
  15. I take it you just handed in your notice, now Silver will have him all to herself.
  16. no jobshare too many people cause security breach, you would invite all oldlings to see the man sleep, and that would not be nice, anyway would you trust Wendi and Kath just to look??????????????
  17. what have I said now?????????????????????????? I was only looking out for other people, which may include self preservation
  18. So you would take away Pooh and dump her from her dreamjob, touring with her man close by.
  19. must have strong arms to throw incontinant u/garments, those in firing line need to bring waterproofs and umbrellas
  20. BEHAVE, Pooh has stated that she will take the post, you have to be home for your family.
  21. Hi Rose when you getting your van back? bit of a bummer not getting to work.
  22. Hi Pooh, how's the jobsearch? thought you might be guarding Mika, his bodyguard cannot be there 24hrs, perhaps you could do the nightshift. and no smutty remarks about sleepovers
  23. probably before she was given her medication how are you tonight, sorry to hear your news it is so quiet Silver thought I was shouting, but she had her hearing aid turned up too high.
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