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Everything posted by weealx

  1. behave yourself woman this is the sort of behaviour that demonstrates why mika has a bodyguard, to protect him from oldling females.
  2. HELLO WHERE IS EVERYBODY? HI to all who are with me for a short visit weealx does not stuff his face, dinner eaten with manners - for a change. sorry to hear your news Wendi.
  3. Hi Rak1 did you go milling this afternoon, how's your van any closer to being well again or was it the sucking through the teeth from the mek an ik
  4. well done the man does that mean ticket prices are going up????????? all it takes is those words you are all looking for Mika Fan Club is now official (do not take this as officialdom), then there will be many parties.
  5. so what is new and cooking in life this fine if not cold day? all the joys of are we here or are we not, though I hacked off that pictures used on previous server cannot be used by this server. but worst things happen in life. how are you and your family?
  6. hi ricki, bye ricki, next victim sorry pupil calls. have fun it is quiet at the moment.
  7. Hi Rak1, in that not what you do in your van, when it works, just milling around staring at the sunset, sweving all over the place, missing traffic lights on red/amber?
  8. your replacement dinner so much better than the chicken.
  9. Afternoon meik, just popped home for lunch, so I am around fro 10mins. whats new and cooking on the thread i've no time to read back.
  10. re conversation about frankensteins, my neise's 4 year old loves it when they start to bring out frankenstein, 1st time I saw it i almost had a heart attack.
  11. avatars must be smaller, I cannot get pics to be accepted, at least looking at my pic will make everyone realise their life isn't that bad after all.
  12. I must be working too hard, will have to sort my life out!!!!!!!!!!!!! energy saving for Friday night
  13. got to go Gordon Ramsey in 5 mins. GOONINGHT ALL, and Wendi when she returns.
  14. sorry, good evening silver and VLM, hi to jemma
  15. I saw lots of Queens at Brixton 28/2 goodnight Kath
  16. time I got my dinner, mikalings have already eaten. hope to see you all later. TTFN
  17. and WENDI can't have morcambe without wise bill without ben tweedle dee without tweedle dum starskey without hutch kath without wendi
  18. 2 females admiting to being grumpy in one day============= goes for large brandy and lie down.
  19. NO, every woman needs a man to make the important decisions in life, the man makes the the decision and the woman , glazed eyes agrees adoringly in aggreement, that is how life works, yet women needs everything explained in simple terms, hence the need for pictures.
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