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Everything posted by weealx

  1. Happy birthday, oldlings carer, hope you have a great day, MFC have especially for you provided a new server.
  2. morning amp, tuesday 18th, can you get on the oldlings #14 yet, I have lost it in cyberland.
  3. all my dreams are that hev and ejc can get through one day without arguing over something trivial. night all.
  4. it is time this grumpy old man went to bed, got lots of victims sorry pupils to terrorise tomorrow, still without them there would be no gigs, goodnight to each and everyone of my new mika family.
  5. no pics please, the mikalings use the pc, ejc will be upset,
  6. goodnight trouble, have a good day tomorrow.
  7. which one was me then?? and as a woman you will probably get the answer wrong.
  8. Time to start a Shari admiration thread.
  9. turning up at gigs in swimsuit just like wonderwoman, lol
  10. Weealx, not sussed you out yet! Mad as a box of frogs springs to mind, but you're very sweet and endearing with it. wendi + kath, take note, I told you Shari was an intelligent woman, with good judgement. lol have you had too much wine shari, wendi + kath could learn a lot from Shari.
  11. meeting one woman is scary enough, but women in stereo that's too much, as for the 'forties' would that be stones or tons? lol
  12. I got both you marked for hamsterjam, and I am bringing my earplugs, na na na
  13. better by curtains or blinds, painting the windows you will not be able to see outside.
  14. hope the wheelchair has turbo coz i can wobble fast downhill.
  15. hope the wheelchair has turbo coz i can wobble fast downhill.
  16. are you both going to hamsterjam in a hercules plane then????? lol
  17. HI Shari, hope life is good for you and your family, at last a lady with intelligence
  18. That went out in my 30's would that be the 1830's? wooooooooo
  19. I think we should all keep receipts - and send them together!! Might have to save up for the postage though!!! get Rak1 to deliver them in her little van.
  20. smitch how can you not have a little decorum, you and your twin.
  21. I got into trouble for saying that first time i spoke to robi.
  22. as long as you promise to remember there is a male present, and he is shy.
  23. one for the aussie thread Men of the Walibri tribe greet each other by shaking each others penis instead of each others hand. sounds like merchant bankers to me !!!!!
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