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Everything posted by weealx

  1. doh, no she said she had been driving round bath, so I think she must have a heck of a big bath
  2. Rak1can help with swimming venue, she was driving her van round her bath, so he said on a post yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. hi Kath you wannabe youngling, glad you enjoyed last night, wendi was babysitting you trying to improve your reputation. lol hi LEO how are you?
  4. shouldwe get the rugby out of the way? I think it was good of Scotland to let Italy have the win and 2 points saving them from the wooden spoon. hi Silver, how are you, it has been quiet today after last nights virtual curry and alchohol session.
  5. soyou finally surfaced, did you enjoy the gig last night, i heard so many stories, I didn't think the barras stayed open that late. lol
  6. by lurking i mean watching wales beating france, well done wales:thumb_yello:
  7. hi bex, hope life is looking better for you, happybirthday when it comes
  8. going to watch rugby, noone is talking here. see you l8r.
  9. evening all here, it is obvious why they tried to rip off scots shorts.............to see if they wear kilts under them. lol
  10. have a good day, I am off to assess a referee, being an old ref myself assessing keeps me involved, although when you look at my job and hobby, I might be considered 'billy no mates' lol have fun this aft. catch up with you later.
  11. nobody here and as much as I enjoy a good conversation, and sometimes the best ones are by myself, amazingly when I ask myself a question I always get it right, except once I asked myself a difficult one and had to ask the mikalings the answer. I bid you all a good day, whatever time zone you are in. bye for now. that's what you all deserve for too much curry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. this morning there is a video which may help solve the lollipop thing for wendi, lollpops that help prevent tooth decay, although not personal wendi, perhaps one of our cousins from accross the pond sent them. GOOD MORNING EVERYONE
  13. now wendi is recruiting for hamsterjam. See you all tomorrow night night
  14. how's the allergy, did it last all day? off now night.
  15. someone must have posted when I was snoozing, probably Rak1 drove round in her van and back to her place, wasn't me, honest
  16. probably sensible topics, without SARCASTIC, comments from me. bye for now,
  17. the monitor being an old dinosaur probably knew a lot of oldlings, was probably here just after wendi + kath, lol
  18. to go, may not get back, enjoy yourselves and happy chatting.
  19. you must have a swimming pool if it takes all day to run around and drive your van in it.
  20. 2 mikalings live in my house, haven't a clue how they got here !!!!!! they keep leaving lights on and eating all the food. if anyone knows anything that can help please advise.
  21. not remembering is a sign your brain is older than you!!!!!!
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