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Everything posted by theobsessedone

  1. Hmm yeah I couldn't see it too well....I did see him kinda sitting on the front of the stage for a couple seconds but it seemed like he got over it really fast. Any way we can get the better quality version? MIKA IS SUCH A ROCKSTARRR <3 Oh my god can someone describe in detail what his dive "in" the audience was like?
  2. OMG I LOVE THIS SHOW it's amazing. It deals with issues that NEED to be talked about and the acting is AMAZING and ahhh....I love it so much. BRIAN KINNEY has some of the most awesome quotes ever haha. I love how direct and honest and brutal he is. Brian Kinney: As usual, objectivity falls to me... Think: you don't really want me there, do you? I'd have to be chemically dependent just to show up. I'll be drunk, I'll be bored, not to mention better looking than the brides. I'll offend all the dykes. I'll heckle the ceremony. Table dance at the reception, and inevitably **** every good looking guy - gay, straight or undecided - in the place. Finally, I'll pass out naked, bitching about the cheap booze. You'll lose your dignity, friends and shirts paying for the damages. Hell! I'm doing you a favor getting out of town. I watched almost all the episodes on youtube but then the guy who uploaded the got his account suspended Here are some of my fav vids... http://youtube.com/watch?v=kvWLMF3aSYI <-- SOOOO SAD! <--laughed so hard. http://youtube.com/watch?v=zq3pkV6ypDs <-- a m a z i n g Yeah I am a bit obsessed..(notice my username)
  3. I'll read that article when I have more time...I still have some homework to finish but I just wanted to say something. Gay rights is the issue I'm most passionate about. I just think tolerance is so important. And love has no gender. I'm in the GSA at school (Gay Straight Alliance) and I saw someone that said this in the very beginning of the thread, I love gay guys too. :]]] hehehe. Has anyone seen Brokeback Mountain? Sorry if we talked about this already..it's a beautiful eye-opening heart-breaking movie.
  4. Grey Skelly hahahaha. Oh wait I read the rest of the posts. Is that the skeleton that comes during Love Today? And Mika hugs him? OHMYGOD I love Mika's green tie in your picture, Mellody! It's awesome that you're the world rep for Germany Okay wait I really don't get this thread. Sorry, I'm new... anyone want to explain it to me briefly?
  5. Originally posted by Clay A.(sorry I'm knew...when I clicked "quote" it only copied her comment.) OHmygosh those PANTS! I LOVE IT. His leeeegs...hahaha. You all know what I mean. I wonder if he's clapping with the audience during Relax Take It Easy! Ahhhhh he really should wear those pants more. Mika looks good in every single color, any shade.
  6. I always notice how often he moves all around the stage, and I think that's really considerate of him, paying attention to the people on the side too, not just front and center. He holds out the microphone to the audience too all the time, and it's amazing. His energy just explodes up and out <333 (Oh yeah I've never been to a concert...ahalsdfkj I MISSED HIM WHEN HE CAME TO CALIFORNIA LAST MONTH soooo mad..but anyways, I just watch youtubes every single day from his concerts and wish I was there.)
  7. Haha the beat's pretty good but I like the original better. I wish there was a version with JUSTTT his voice.
  8. I ordered the book and it came yesterday!! It's BEAUTIFUL. Three full sized pictures of MIKA!! Amazing resolution and everything. He's wearing his suspenders and teal skinny jeans in it, and he has that adorable 100 million dollar smile on! haha. I LOVE his smile. The songs are soooooo much fun to play. If I thought listening to his music made me happy, playing cheers me up even more. I just imagine him jumping up and down, moving his whole body to the beat, rocking out and putting on his show...
  9. Yeah sometimes I put my iPod on shuffle and after a while I'm like "Wait, something is wrong here I HAVEN'T LISTENED TO GRACE KELLY IN A WHILE.. (meaning like..6 minutes, or whatever the length of two songs are) and then I put the whole album on repeat for who knows how long...
  10. Wait the link didn't work for me..I wanna hear it! And I wanna see Mika's reaction!
  11. You know you're a Mika fan when you smile a little too widely when someone mentions skinny jeans.
  12. That interview was SO GREAT!!!! My favorite part: "I was in South Africa and they played it on the radio." "Are you serious? That's..demented!" LOL. I love how high his voice goes too when he says "are you serious"
  13. AAHH definitely! If only time passed the way it does in CLASS while you're on the computer...slowly. Whenever someone's in your room (parents, friends, anyone) you play Mika and hope they notice it and ask what it is, and then you show them youtubes and pictures and hope they fall in love just like you.
  14. I'm a newww fan. 1. My favourite; Mika outfit-AH everything he wears I LOVE. hmmm. I love his purple skinny jeans!! Mika song-Relax, Take It Easy ooor Grace Kelly Mika songline-Smile like you mean it/and let yourself let go Mika quote-oh so many. "You have t make sure the water's not too hot...this is quite embarrassing, I feel like Martha Stewart." (talking about how not to make tea over-caffeinated.) And I also love "Love me, hate me, just don't ignore me." Mika picture-Any picture of him is beautiful. Mika interview-Hmmm I don't know what it's called, but two of the hosts switched their outfits and stuff...it's really funny. Mika video-Lollipop or Love Today Mika merchandise-I'm not sure. 2. If Mika; Hugged me I would-have a heart attack of happiness. hahaha Shouted my name i would-be shocked and answer him. smiled at me i would-probably melt. danced with me i would-be incredibly self-conscious haha 3. I have I WANT A POSTER THE SIZE OF MY CEILING pictures of mika on my wall pictures of mika on my phone 4. If i got to ask mika 3 questions only they would be 1) Do you know any Hebrew? 2) Can you sing your entire range for me? 3) What's your greatest fear? 5) If i was a mika character i would be-Haha umm a BIG GIRL 6) When i meet mika im going to-scream. 7)My favourite ever thread on the mfc-haha still new to it, but I love the "What does mika smell like" thread. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MIKA? His birthday-haven't memorized it. His family-five kids. And random people hang out at his house all the time. Born-Beirut, Lebanon Any other intresting facts-He likes his tea not too caffeinated, he's dyslexic, he has a lazy eye haha. He used to spell his name "Mica" but then everyone pronounced it "Mysha". He was fascinated with bowties as a child (and probably still is). He loves collecting toys.
  15. Do you have sheet music for Mika songs or do you play by ear? I want to play them so badly, especially Grace Kelly, see if I can hit that high note in the beginning that he "always misses". :] I love watching him hit that note on the piano and then a wave of relief passes across his face, it's so cute and funny.
  16. Thanks so much! I love it already...lots of yummy pics on here.
  17. I'm so happy I found this place! Mika is so amazing, I listen to him every single day and it drives my family crazy. I first only knew Happy Ending and Love Today by Mika. I wasn't big on Lollipop, but Happy Ending really struck a chord in me. I remember once I just sprinted down my street while the "little bit of love" part was playing...it just gave me such high spirits. Anyways, I randomly searched Mika on youtube one day, and found more of his songs such as Grace Kelly and Relax Take It Easy. I re-found Lollipop and I loved it, in addition to the rest of the Life In Cartoon Motion songs. I finally put a face to the voice soaring high in Happy Ending and I fell in love. I love everything about him, from his suspenders to his British accent, from his beautiful curly hair to his French fluency. Besides Mika, I love: Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, New York City, RENT, Wicked, other musicals, reading & writing, playing piano & violin,...and I love meeting new people to share my obsessions with!!
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