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About cande_laria

  • Birthday 07/09/1989


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  1. hahaha that really fits xDD Love today! Aww gosh!! This song is sooo amazing!!! My story is much more "painful" xD at first I really disliked the song "Grace Kelly"...but once I was doing my homework and listened to the radio (normally I don't do that...) and I heard "Grace Kelly"...after a time I noticed my feet going up and down to the music xD and so I knew that I like this song! One week ago I've noticed a really really colorful CD...LICM!!! A voice inside me told me to buy it and then I fell totally in love with Mika and his music!! But in my "Mikahightime" (what a crazy word :rotfl:) I had to regocnize that I've missed his tour in Germany! I was/and so I'm now totally down and pissed off because not going to one of his concerts in Germany...but then I got into the german Mikafanclub and now in here and for that I'm loving Mika more and more xD


    ok sorry for this looooonnnnng story xD hope u are not asleep now :stretcher: xD

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