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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. Lol, I remember there always being so much more snow when I was smaller too But the last lot of snow we had here was mental, I'd never seen so much
  2. Oh yes, we've had some pretty bad weather everywhere in Italy, floods in the south, snow up north! We had a bit of snow here yesterday, but it wasn't sticking. Woke up today and everywhere was white!! It sounds like everything has come to a halt at home
  3. I keep reading online about how bad the snow is at home, I can't believe it! We've got snow here too, again!!
  4. Buongiorno a tutti! Oggi al lavoro..... Non sono veramente ammalata adesso, però non sono completamente guarita neanche..... Vuoi venire qua, abbiamo la neve di nuovo
  5. Ciao zia! Anche qua non si ferma... Ma è vero, a casa la tovaglia non c'è quasi mai, strano eh?
  6. C'era anche qua all'ora tarda tardosa di cui sono finalmente riuscita a dormire... Roba da un film horror
  7. E noi abitiamo nel paese dei furbi Brava Dani! Buonanotte! Buonanotte zia! Perticone tornata?
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