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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. Exactly, for the two proper gigs I went to it was part of the experience. Even if I was so cold in London, it was still fun
  2. That's good to know 17 degrees was probably warmer than what we had today!!
  3. It's not raining my end of town Might be worth checking at the post office if it doesn't arrive tomorrow. Pretty flag Bianka!
  4. Poste italiane is very temperamental - on a good day! You should get it tomorrow if it hasn't already shown up
  5. I've just seen the map on the official video, I'm really pleased it's that popular here, I didn't expect it!
  6. One month to go - are we all excited?? Apparently there's a billboard for the gig up not far from where I live, shame it's in a dodgy area of town I was on the look-out for more yesterday, but I didn't see one...
  7. I've never seen anything like it! We've had a really bad winter this year, like everyone I guess...
  8. Yeah, it's not nice here either, just cloudy and miserable It's funny how people have been going on about today over the last few weeks here, as if the weather was going to magically change overnight once we hit March 21st
  9. Happy Spriiiiiiiiiiiing everyone!! Daffodils!!
  10. No Italy? Seriously, this country fails at times...
  11. My ticket finally arrived this morning!! Pesky Italian post, you had me properly worried this time
  12. It's getting very dark where I am now Bergamo's lovely, well, the old town at any rate
  13. We might be on the same flight It's lovely, isn't it? But apparently some bad weather's on its way this weekend
  14. Ooh, I didn't know you were living here! I'm leaving on the 30th too, my flight's in the evening, so I'll have most of that day for sightseeing
  15. I'll be arriving in the evening of the 28th, I'll be coming down on the train from Munich Nice flag Bianca!
  16. Wub my tutu If you look in my profile you'll see a picture of what I wore in London. Definitely will be swapping that coat for my big winter one though!! I'm going to be bringing glitter, glowsticks and possibly facepaints with me too, I like going overboard at gigs
  17. True that I've got a flashing heart, but I'll be easy to spot as I'll have a pink tutu and feather boa
  18. Excellent!! Hopefully that'll mean mine will arrive today or tomorrow!
  19. Niiiiiiiiiiiiice I've been stuck in the office all day reading the chatter about this, and I've finally been able to listen to it! Very very catchy, it's going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the night now! Oh, and the glasses are awesome
  20. That sounds exactly like me before the London gig!! Suddenly it got to a point where there wasn't monthsandmonthsandmonths left, but only a few weeks to get everything sorted!
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