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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. Ciao a tutti Come si sta oggi? Però hanno scelto BE (non mi lamento però, sono molto contenta che l'abbiano trasmesso, visto che ho gli occhi azzurri io ) Complimenti a Miky e Monica!!
  2. Con calma Betta, there's a repeat on Saturday too Managed to spot myself a couple of times, being a very enthusiastic fangurl Fantastic to see the stage invasion on tv too!
  3. Non c'è una traduzione literale, ma io direi che la migliore sarebbe 'let me know' (che sarebbe anche 'fammi sapere'). Ci sono varianti più colloquali come 'drop me a line' o 'give me a shout'
  4. Povera goldling, non capisce la mente dei giovani
  5. Snowing??? Is it really that bad in the UK?? Blimey I'll gladly swap my rain for your snow
  6. Fun and games... I was talking to my mam about it on the phone yesterday, she sounded more enthusiastic about me being on tv than I was - and she can't watch it, being in the UK with crap internet
  7. Morning FD! Yup, I had a nice weekend ta, weather was awful yesterday & still is today here though We're all excited about the Deejay TV launch party being on TV tonight
  8. Ciao a tutti Mancano quasi 12 ore!! Sei nata 7 giorni prima di me Grazie per le foto Fra!
  9. Definitely one of the best for me It's been a wonderful year in a wonderful country, I've met loads of lovely people, and settled in nicely to my new home. Oh, and there have been lots of amazing Mika memories too, including my first gig
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