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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. Ciao Mauri! Io mi sono dimenticata di questo thread Si va piano oggi, sono in ufficio dopo 6 ore di sonno Io carico le foto stasera, non sono riuscita a fare in tempo sta mattina.
  2. Oh yes, and we were all on the stage at the end as well I didn't go on the stage during BG, I was too worried about losing my wonderful spot
  3. Yeah, it was what Robi said, he said that in English He said he hurt it a few weeks ago, and that it was the first gig without the brace.
  4. And about his foot too But he said a lot of stuff in English first, then translated it into Italian, I'm quite proud of him actually, having learnt the language myself, I was very impressed!!
  5. They filmed me too, I don't care - one of the joys of living in a foreign country, most people I know don't live here!!
  6. Ok, I'm probably not going to make much sense this early in the morning, in the office, on 6 hours' sleep Firstly I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who arranged this, and not only that, that everyone who could be there was there. And Robi, you are a rock star I still can't believe how close we were I was right against the stage, with a photographer in front of me, poor bloke, I think I bumped/knocked my hand on his bald head a few too many times!! It was wonderful though Don't ask me about the setlist, I'm glad someone remembers! I was disappointed he didn't do Lollipop though, even after they brought the metal bins out... Before the encore though we were all singing LT, and then they came out and did it I expected there not to be much of anything new, cos of what the party was, and I was surprised he did BE actually! Very, very happy though, as I've got blue eyes an' all You could tell he was in pain, he didn't have to tell us, he sang a lot with his eyes closed, but still insisted on jumping around!! Lots of interaction, and like Robi said, you could tell he was very happy Italy obviously does him good! And it was free, I can't believe it Like at Parenti I had problems with my camera, not only dead batteries like before, but a full memory at one point, so during BIOTG I was frantically trying to delete photos!! I'll put the ones I took up later this evening. And there was glitter everywhere afterwards, very funny to see it all over the wet pavement outside! Edit: One more thing, his Italian is insane So he got a couple of prompts from us, but blimey, he speaks it so well!!
  7. I can't wait to see the expressions of people on the underground, I've stuck lots of pretty little stars round my right eye It's going to be hysterical
  8. Almost ready? I've just got out of the shower See you there president!!
  9. Ah! I thought one of the girls said there were some problems with the emails, that they were getting old messages or something, but I wasn't concentrating enough on what she was saying Hopefully someone recorded it so I can spot it second time round
  10. That's most definitely it... I thought Radio Deejay were usually good when it came to guests too...
  11. ... And they decided to talk about Queen instead Apart from that, brilliant interview Loved how he said off-air that he eats more in Milan than anywhere else
  12. About how good his Italian is, because sometimes he understands more than I do
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