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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. Thanks for all the lovely pics & the fantastic video!! So much fun to watch us all
  2. Ciao a tutti Che bravo sto coniglietto Grazie!! Grazie bunny, spero che sarà registrato in qualche posto...
  3. Ok, I'll write some sort of a report before I collapse! I went yesterday, not knowing I'd wind up in the audience on actual Italian tv! As far as I knew, I was going to support the wonderful Mr M, and hopefully to say hi at some point in the afternoon. But that was it. But in addition to that, unbelievably, I was also able to be in the audience I wish I could've seen my face when I found out!! The day started off with a cross-city trek to the studios They're not exactly in the most easy of places to get to (RTL was much better ) We had some food, and then started the waiting Like Robi said, when he first came out he was in a bit of a rush as he had to go to a press conference, but as we thought he was already inside it was a lovely surprise. We heard him rehearsing too, I was acting like such a fangurl hearing him doing WAG even though I couldn't see a damn thing from outside the studios And yes, everybody who wanted to go in got in! All of us together, it was amazing And like Robi said, right at the back. Insomma... Well, seeing as I thought for nearly the whole day that I wouldn't get anywhere near inside the studios I was just grateful to be there. But as Robi said too, it was disappointing as we wanted to show our support, let him see that there were fans in the audience. So we made as much noise as we possibly could instead (My poor voice today!!) They told us not to stand up, pfffffffft (well, this is Italy, nobody follows rules here ) He was a fab judge too (even though, I must admit, the simultaneous translation screwed with my head a bit ) and could easily give Simon Cowell a run for his money!! Some of the other judges were just like 'bravo/a' but he actually gave constructive comments. And yes, he escaped at the end of it We were stood outside at like 1am like muppets & he'd already disappeared!! I had such an amazing time! Thank you to everybody who was there yesterday for making the whole day so enjoyable
  4. Like I said, it's not perfect, but it'll do. I barely made out anything last night, understanding both languages, one slightly ahead of the other, trying my best to pick out Mika Now I can get some sleep
  5. Fab photos Miky!! Here's the transcription/translation of the first part, after WAG. I've tried to get as much of what Mika originally said, but at some points I've had to translate back from the Italian as I just can't make out what he's saying At least it was clearer watching the tv recording of it than it was in the studio, did my nut Francesco: In your song you say something amazing, that the value of a person isn’t judged on their wealth or popularity, but by something else. Seeing as you’ve done it, what advice would you give our contestants who want to do the same job as you? Mika: You know, when I was younger I met Annie Lennox in the street, I must’ve been about 15 years old. She didn’t have hair (? What I can make out that he says sounds different, but that’s what the Italian says…), and I turned round and said, ‘Hiya, my name’s Mika, I really want to know, what can I do to make it? And she turned round and said to me ‘If you have the burning, then you don’t do anything else.’ And I just kind of sat there and thought, ‘That’s rubbish, what am I meant to do with that?’. But now I get it, it’s kind of like, there’s no choice, you don’t know what else to do. You make music cos it makes you feel good, or you do something else. And she was right, you have to have this constant burning. F: Very well said, let’s hope our boys and girls heard that. I know you’re a big fan of Michael Jackson - I am too. They even gave you the shoes that Michael Jackson was meant to have worn at his last concerts. M: There was a lot of talk about this. I have my shoes made by the same man (or does he say Louboutin’s name? Boh…), so there are similarities, but shoes are shoes, but my shoes are different. F: Are you a fan of the moonwalk? M: You know, I’ve always tried to do it, can you do it? Francesco and Morgan do their moonwalk thing… F: Let’s do something - If you want to, tonight we’ll organise a party at my house, you’ll do some moonwalking… Last week Tokio Hotel came here, they’re still at my house, they never left, hi Tokio Hotel who are watching us from home… I wanted to tell you something else important too, later you’ll be with us, you’ll be a judge - M: That’s amazing. F: … when we decide who the new contestant will be. Do you know how to judge? M: Of course. It’ll be my first time, I’ve never been a judge before. F: You’ll be a perfect judge. M: Thank you. We match, our jackets match. F: Do you want to swap? Morgan: We’ve got the same ones, the right jackets for a judge! F: Mika, do you want to do something with me? Don’t worry. M: Sure. I’m a little bit scared! F: No, no, no, don’t be scared! We need to close the phone voting… And then Francesco tells him to say ‘push the button’ (what button exactly?? Did something get lost in translation there?? ) to close the voting.
  6. The Italians are ace, some of the loveliest people you could ever wish to meet
  7. Le 4.30?? Quindi avete fatto l'afterparty alla casa di Matt? anche a te Dani!
  8. :lmfao: You are a legend Yes, yes, I know, I'm just sleep-deprived today & my brain's on the go-slow My colleagues are highly amused at my adventures (and the now-5-gigs that I'm going to) and have been asking about what happened yesterday all day
  9. Ah, that's what I meant, sorry, the group pic, I remember you saying you were next to him
  10. Un mio collega ha visto le parrucche e pensava che ci fossero io e i miei amici
  11. I need to think about writing a proper report But I just want to say a big thank you to Robi for all her work yesterday, you a are a star
  12. She got a photo with him though I'm going to lose my voice before the end of the day, and my colleagues are finding the whole stalking-Mika-at-a-tv-programme highly amusing
  13. Those photos had me thinking for a bit, cos he had that t shirt on when we saw him before the show, but he wasn't wearing it during the actual show Need sleep!!
  14. Sì, però fanno schifo :no:

  15. I'll try, I don't promise anything, it was difficult last night trying to make out what he was saying. I hate simultaneous translation, let the boy speak!!
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