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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. Exactly what I thought And I adore that jacket, it's even more fabulous close up Thank you!!
  2. I'm so glad someone remembers what he spoke about, my mind had gone blank I think he was pretty amazed when we said we hadn't heard about that random man who'd slept in his doorway
  3. Lovely to see you again too Avoca!! I'm so glad you came, it was well worth it wasn't it?? I'm glad you got the train home, it was going to be a close one!
  4. :fangurl: Io non ho parole, sto ragazzo รจ troppo bravo
  5. I can officially die happy He was absolutely lovely, I never expected anything like that! He said hi to all of us, and we got a couple of photos taken. I got my EP signed, he asked me what my name was & where I was from, I think he sounded quite impressed when I told him I'd been living in Milan since November Yeah, we made him late I can't believe he made it to R101 on time!! He took photos with everyone who wanted one (yours truly finally has a photo with him ) and he spoke to us for what felt like ages! We asked him about the English Ci parliamo da grandi, and he said he'd never do it in a gig, but possibly he'd perform it on the radio. What else did we talk about guys?? My mind's gone blank, it feels like such a blur I'm still a bit speechless
  6. :fangurl: Ragazze, di nuovo sono rimasta senza parole
  7. Can someone do us a favour & let RTL know that there are going to be MFCers there?
  8. The RDS interview's going to be next week at some point, during the evening, but they haven't said when yet. But they played WAG instead around that time The next one now's RTL
  9. He was reading out a text, someone was having fun - what do you get when you combine Mika & random things, like zucchero, sugar
  10. http://www.deejay.it/dj/multimedia/dettaglio/type-F/idMedia-1251/Mika
  11. According to that schedule RTL's the next live one... Might be worth listening to Radio 2 around 12.30 just in case though, as RDS wasn't live after all...
  12. Mi piace da morire "ho fame, no breakfast", mi fa ricordare l'itanglish che parlavo durante il mio primo anno di studio
  13. Me three!! I properly fell in love with it when it got played on Deejay earlier
  14. The interview's later today though, did I get that right? Tamara's an evening DJ Edit: Ah, thanks Robi!! Didn't hear that at all
  15. I love that I'm listening to the radio I listen to everyday, I know what the stations are like, the DJs, and I understand everything - just about!! It's quite refreshing after only understanding bits of the German!
  16. RTL for a start, then we'll see what happens... R101 is in my part of the city...
  17. Robi'd know cos they're oldling stations Joking, I listen to them too:naughty:
  18. See you there Avoca! Wish us luck indeed, I've got a feeling we'll need it!!
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