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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. Excellent news!! I'm very tempted, very very tempted.....
  2. I am on the left!! I've got loads of bracelets, you can see my hair & pink dress Made my day
  3. I see my arms!! Edit: Excellent enlarged pic!! You can see more of me, my hair & my dress
  4. Buongiorno a tutti!! Non eravamo tutti nella prima fila Jeff Io e la Mirti eravamo nel centro della seconda fila Ma io non ti avevo visto Allora, a leggere dei report di Londra prima di andare al lavoro!!
  5. Grazie per le foto Mari! Io ho messo un link alle mie nel thread del reports
  6. Hi!! Don't worry about it :) I'm still on a high from it!!

  7. Buongiorno!! Io non voglio tornare al lavoro Mirti, io adoro i tuoi video!!
  8. Mirtilla you are an absolute legend for putting all those vids up And it cracks me up to hear myself in some of them I'm the muppet who says "Ribena!!" at the beginning of LT
  9. It was unbelievable!! I got home around 2, I was far too tired & shellshocked to write anything coherent
  10. It was definitely during Lollipop that he gestured people to come on stage
  11. I've just watched your Toy Boy vid Mirti, Babs & Jemma's laughing had me in hysterics again!! You guys are legends I was glad I sat next to you to Mirti, and what great seats we managed to score, eh?
  12. Assolutamente indimenticabile!! E' successo così veloce, non ci posso credere
  13. Ciao Dani!! Anch'io sono salita sul palco, ti ricordi? Sì, era un peccato che tutto è successo così dopo, però io non voglio pensarci troppo, è stata una bellissima giornata!! Grazie per tutto il tuo lavoro con i numeri!!
  14. I think that was when Mana put her flashing heart on Mika! I didn't realise it was her til she told me after!
  15. It took me a matter of seconds, I'd put them somewhere where I'd be able to find them without any problems!
  16. No matter what I tried, so many of my photos came out blurry But here they are: http://s87.photobucket.com/albums/k158/bambina28/Mika%20Teatro%20Parenti%206th%20June%202009/
  17. It was a bit of a shambles wasn't it? Didn't go as anyone wanted, but I don't want to dwell on it too much. There were just so many people!!
  18. Ciao Mari!! Io ho dormito 4 ore più o meno Non ci posso credere che sia successo, e come un sogno Era davvero magico!!!
  19. Helloooooooo Avoca!! It was lovely meeting you yesterday! Argh, that's what I forgot, bad MFCer *slaps wrists* A big hello to all the lovely, lovely people I met yesterday, you guys are brilliant!
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