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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. I'm no longer a gig virgin!!! And what a way to go!! Oh no, mine's the first!! I'm still not very coherent, and I've not had enough sleep, so apologies for the lack of sense & detail!! Firstly I'd like to thank Robi & Dani for all their hard work during the day, even though we had to wait for ages to get the tickets (not their fault, obiously), the numbering worked fantastically! Robi was so good at getting everyone organised to get the tickets!! I was no 21 (my new lucky number!) and 2nd row centre! And thanks to Robi for organising the lunch too, that was great! I was part of the 'welcoming party' when Mika arrived That was quite manic for a poor gig virgin like I was, lots of screaming & pushing, but amazing to finally see him in person! I liked Blue Roses, though their songs sounded a bit samey.. They weren't as bad as some people whom I spoke to yesterday were making out As for Mika, I was blown away!! I stil think I'm a bit shellshocked, what an experience!! I'd not watched any videos of the gigs from this week to not spoil the surprise, so I still didn't quite know what to expect! A very interesting definition of acoustic I think But it was incredible, the energy was amazing, Mika was feeding off us, he was interacting with us a lot. I was exhausted just watching him, I don't know how he does it!! Everyone started dancing from BG, and then everyone was waving their arms during Billy Brown, great fun to watch from the 2nd row! I've properly fallen in love with GGG now, it's amazing! Over My Shoulder live was really something else, incredible to hear live. I've forgotten her name already (so bad!!) but he was joined on HE with the girl who originally recorded it, that was great! And everybody was on their feet by the end! I was really impressed with Rain, I was thinking it'd be more like the PDP version, but oh no!! It was like mid-way between that and the studio version, very very good!! And he did Relax, I was so pleased!! It started off like the Live Lounge version he did, but by the end it was full blown Relax, what a way to end it! The absolute highlight for me was Lollipop That poor piano though, stood on it banging a dustbin!! & that silly hat he wore!! Shame my batteries died at that point, so I didn't get a photo of it before I'd scrambled around in my bag to find the other ones I had! And the stage invasion, I still can't believe I actually made it on stage!! It was like there was no thinking involved, one minute I was stood in front of my seat, next minute I'm stood on the stage in front of the piano!! I can't wait to see the videos from that, it was an amazing experience! The queue outside after the gig was mental, we were told to stand in a line, one person at a time, but unfortunately where all us MFCers were stood, that didn't happen. But I managed to give him my present & get an autograph, so it wasn't as bad as it could've been. So yeah, I think that's it! I need to get my photos up now! Hey!! Glad you made it on here! I was the blonde girl in the pink dress btw
  2. Buongiorno!!! Non so che cavolo sto facendo sveglia a quest'ora Io non so cosa dire, ieri è stato come un sogno Era bellissimo!! Non ho parole!! We were asleep I'm still trying to get my head around it all, I'll get a report sorted this morning
  3. Unfortunately I haven't got a way to tweet Damn my phone!!
  4. BUONGIORNO!!! E' arrivato il grande giorno!! E sono già sveglia Ci vediamo più tardi!!!
  5. So the big day's arrived!! & I've been awake since 7 I'll probably be lurking around before 12, look out for a short blonde, not-Italian-looking girl in a pink dress
  6. Allegra's not the only one who's been And I'm only 1,52 metres tall
  7. Safe journey to everyone on their way here!! The forecast's better for tomorrow again now, cloudy this morning, feeling quite fresh, not too bad...
  8. Buongiorno!! :boing::boing: Non ci posso credere
  9. Hi Freddie!! I'm already having fun in Milan Shame you're not coming! Grazie per le info Robi!
  10. Ooh nooo, it's changed where I've been looking (meteo.it)
  11. I know, but a couple of days ago the forecast for Saturday was worse than it is now, so there's still hope.... Right?? But I don't want it to be this hot on Saturday either
  12. The weather forecast's been getting better gradually all week, so fingers crossed!!
  13. Lo sto studiando, però da soli 4 mesi
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