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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. Buongiorno!! Ho fatto due sogni sul concerto
  2. Pfft, it's been warmer than that recently in the city
  3. Anch'io me ne vado, buonanotte a tutte
  4. Ok, so it's up to muggins here to translate the rest Around where the theatre is there are many bars, restaurants, pizza shops, a supermarket and a pharmacy, so it'll be easy to arrange a pre-gig lunch. For anyone who'll need to park, there aren't many spaces for non-residents, there are some that you can pay for, but there are 3 covered car parks that the theatre has arrangements with, and so there are discounts This's according to Allegra cos the Milan date's the only one I'm going to The theatre doesn't have the same sort of allure (to use her wording ) as the others in the tour; it was restructured recently, and is much more modern. It's a very interesting building, some nice touches of what you'd expect a classic theatre to be (chandeliers, velvet curtains); but then it's sort of built underneath a block of flats and has an empty swimming pool next to it The foyer's very big, on many levels, and the ticket office's basically sort of a counter in the middle of it. There's a bar in the foyer, but unfortunately it probably won't be open in the afternoon, but probably only an hour before the gig's due to start. The hall's very gradianted. The infiltrated agents (Allegra, you're great ) were in the 15th row and we could see every tiniest detail, and hear everything the actors were saying without microphones. You'd have the same view from the 20th to last row. The stage's about 50 cm high, and the front row's about 2 metres from the stage. Allegra's got the conclusions in her translated report, but just to emphasise & make sure everything's covered, there's no point queuing from the morning, you see really well from wherever you are. And with the foyer being so big, there's no guarantee who's first in the queue outside will get inside the hall first. And the better we behave, the less chance there are of them putting security guards in front of the stage which will seriously ruin the view, as the stage's so low. The room's being rented by a third party, so the people at the theatre still don't know when they'll be open or how long the gig'll last. I think that's it, right Allegra??
  5. Stavo per farlo prima che io abbia letto il tuo messaggio! :roftl:

  6. Ieri sera era molto strano, io guardo sempre Eurovision..... Si vede che l'hanno cambiato come si vota, siamo arrivati su al quinto posto!!
  7. Ma cos'è sta ossessione degli italiani con le parolacce inglesi??
  8. :bye: :bye: :bye: :bye: :bye: :bye: :bye:
  9. Ma il mio post è sparito?? Buongiorno a tutte! Credo che non ci sia bisogno controllare i risultati di calcio, dopo il rumore ieri sera si può dedurre che Inter ha vinto
  10. Un buon caffé non si trova nell'UK Appunto!! Giorno pres! Bunny, non c'è sole a Milano
  11. Ooh yes, the castle's lovely, and there's a great big park behind it too Then all the way up from the castle to Duomo there are loads of lovely shops I thought the daily ticket was 3 euro? Mind you, I haven't bought one for a while, I buy a 10 journey ticket usually
  12. Buongiorno bunny! Be', almeno sto weekend non c'erano degli operai qua a svegliarmi
  13. Buongiorno!! Non so perchè mi sono svegliata così presto :boing:
  14. Bergamo's perfect for me, my side of town! But seeing as I'm already here..... The bus's very easy though, when my mam came over for easter she arrived in Bergamo and got here & back out to the airport on the bus, and she barely speaks a word of Italian
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