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Everything posted by Nezza

  1. Anch'io l'ho appena visto! Ma come mai è rimasto Londra, è un teatro più grande degli altri??
  2. Eh. Si può dormire stanotte allora?
  3. I didn't think it would be very interesting, wanted to go for a wander to see what the theatre was like and to get to know the area a bit better
  4. Allegra's on the case!!! I was thinking of going down there for a wander at one point before the gig, to familiarise myself with that patch, we'll see.....
  5. It just sounds very Italian of you, not in any kind of rush
  6. Buongiorno!! Eh, se vestiamo in modo più elegante posso anche mettere il mio bel vestito rosa
  7. But I live in Converse like so many Italians But I guess being blonde it's no big dilemma trying to figure out if I'm Italian or not
  8. Grazie Mari!! E adesso me ne vo, sono stanca morta
  9. Angeli e demoni!! Ho sentito parlare di quel tour quando ero a Roma 3 anni fa con l'università...
  10. W le notti bianche!!! Che bella l'Italia
  11. Buongiorno!! Parigi macchebello!! Ma si chiede ogni giorno? Giorno oldling
  12. The Italian radio's started talking about it, well, the local radio at any rate (Radio Milano if anyone's interested ). Just a quick mention about it, the DJ didn't say when or where, but that it sounded like a very interesting and good gig
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