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samantha who?

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Everything posted by samantha who?

  1. a mi me gustaria hacer canopy dicen q es superdivertido!
  2. I dont know why that look reminds me austin Powers!
  3. Hey!! Q cool sta el nuevo vlog!!! me encanto!! Mika y sus Converse dond sea!! jajjajaja Mika la proxima ves llevame q a mi m encantan los deportes extremos!! y como estan argies!!??
  4. OMG!! the last blog is AMAZING!! I love it! at the beggining I thought it was a little bit risky but anyways its cool!! and funny as always Mika does!! hahahha!
  5. Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and grey, I'm read from both ends, And the same either way.
  6. I feel so stupid Im stuck on level 2!! help please how I get some hints
  7. hey guys Mika melted my heart with the last blog! he's so sweet!! I love him!!! hmmm how I celebretad today?? I ate chicken, had some lollipop and tonight Im going to watch LICM DVD!!
  8. ey si porfa digan cual es cual yo las kiero conocer!! edit: ups no me fije q ya lo habian dicho
  9. its time for chicken!!! chicken chicken please!
  10. FELIZ CUMPLE MIKA!!!! Ya sos todo un hombre *snif*snif* si haces fiesta tenes q invitar a todo l MFC:wink2: In en special a la Logia Penniman (obvio n zona V.I.P:naughty:) Felicidades Logia!!!! aunke sea nueva y de Honduras m alegra estar aki con ustedes argies tan superbuena onda!!!las kiero!!!!!!!
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY IT!!! :yay:
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