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samantha who?

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Everything posted by samantha who?

  1. I have a question off topic but can someone explain me of what Mika twins MFCers were talking?? please!! Im too lazy to read the whole Mika and Adele thread!!
  2. Here are some of my recently celeb crushes (I have alot of celeb crushes when I was little but I dont remember all!) Lee Pace Ethan Hawke Patrick Dempsey And what woman doent love Johnny Depp:wub2:
  3. Be welcome and enjoy here!! Mika changed my world too!! And MFC is a fantastic place to be!!
  4. Oh sammy you're so bad! nice!! hahah lol btw I like you're name!
  5. hahah! lol! hope is the last thing we should loose!
  6. maybe Mika can sing at the FIFA world cup
  7. I havent continue watching the olympics cause the first event i saw was the soccergame of Honduras vrs Italy and guess what.. Italy kicked Honduras' asses:thumbdown:
  8. same here! my parents say that I have to be responsable
  9. I will skip homework!!:naughty:lol!!
  10. Awhh Im starting school too ( but until august 25) and I dont know how Im going to have time for MFC:( school then gym the homework and sometimes hang out with my friends
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