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samantha who?

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Everything posted by samantha who?

  1. yeah heheh! little Mikas destroying things inside the house!!
  2. I think Mika is going to marry someday! My sixth sense is telling me that probably Mika will marry Saranayde!! Im not sure!! He hasnt met me yet!! maybe he can change opinion! heheh:naughty:
  3. heheheh lol! I liked too!! but a didnt want to accepted because ppl started a discussion because that video!
  4. the mud one!!:naughty: nah I'm just kidding
  5. OMG! this thread has become in a place to argue real serious things In my opinion the word rape is something really serious and I think was bad used here! (just my opinion ok)
  6. si ojala l gusten jeje! aunke nos lleva 10 años!! pero no importa! lol!!
  7. yo tambn tngo 15!! y si tiene sus ventajas y desventajas!!
  8. Do you have a Facebook account?[/color] yes! btw add me!
  9. oh ya gracias!! es q kiero saber cuando viene mika a mexico o argentina para poder ir ya q mika jamas va ir a mi pais! aunq creo q m keda mas cerca mexico!!
  10. ey hola!! sorry por meterme aki jeje! solo pasaba a saludar y preguntarles q como saben q mika va a argentina hasta l 2009!? eso s demasiado tiempo!!
  11. no! have you ever laugh while youre drinking and the liquid comes out through your nose?
  12. oMG!! lol!! if mika does that I will ask him to wear hats more often!!
  13. yes!! I like how he looked!! he doesnt need to wear a speedo to look good!sexy!!
  14. hey! hello I just came from a trip! and I already saw the Mikavideo blog at the dea sea!! I was laughing because I remembered that some MFCers wanted to see him wearing a speedo!! but he didn't!! hehehheh! oh poor girls!! he didn't made your dreams come true!:naughty:
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