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Everything posted by CrazyMoose

  1. In this heat?!?!? Madness! Gladly! My services also include straight jackets and padded cells when booked in advance.
  2. Okay so purely because you guys are nuts and travel to weird and wonderful places for your mika fix; Does anyone know of any cheap ( and i mean small budge cheap) hotels, guest houses or b&bs in the victoria/pimlico area of london where one might find a twin room on the 11th sept? So far i seem to be finding them costing around £70-£200. Any cheaper would be better as this trip is breaking the bank as it is. Ta.
  3. What IS lebanese food in layman's terms? i.e pizza = italian, curry = indian, etc
  4. What is traditional lebanish (is that even a word?) cuisine then?
  5. I hate the name 'niamh' pronounced 'neave' simply because its spelt in a ridiculous way.
  6. The last time she got it in 2 days too. Amazing job. And yes, i like stalking photobuckets.
  7. I bob around Pinkunicorn123 says she will be free. Cheeky question: Is anyone coming in or through Paddington Station by any chance? Im planning a trip to exeter and my train will be leaving from paddington. If someone is using that station would they mind having a quick look see as to how much as single to St David's station in Exeter is, or an open return (as i am staying the night and then coming back the next day). This will most likely be on 10th (and returning to london on the 11th) or 12th (returning to london on the 13th) of sept. thank you
  8. Tiger Sohpie (RAWR!!!) Baby Sophie playing her part: Cleo and Sohpie in bed Cleo (everybody say awwww): Sophie IN Pink's duvet Cleo asleep on the printer:
  9. Pink would like to inform viewers that no animals were harmed in the making of these photos: It does? I dont agree.
  10. I used to live near london. In terms of getting people together, central central london (i.e. Regent's park, Finsbury, The Strand, islington, victoria, pimlico, waterloo etc) is far better for transport links. However this will become a problem depending on what time you choose to meet as it is now a Friday and a working week. Considering London is business central during the week 7am-10:30am is a no-go for any trains, tubes or roads. 11:30-1:30 again is busy in cafes, starbucks and eateries for the lunchtime rush, just not as bad. 4:30-7 is HELL if you are planning to travel, just NO. The weather is set for 24 degrees or so and clouds, so by english standard it means that heavy muggy sort of weather....'sticky' probably being a more suitable word. Im sure you Americans/Canadians won't even notice. Therefore i would suggest one of the lovely cafes along the embankment of the Thames in Waterloo or in cafes of Covent Garden. Both are easy to access and have disasterously overpriced places to have a coffee (or something stronger) with some skillfull street performers to watch. (Last time i was there i saw i man dancing whilst playing a violin on a tightrope). Hope that is somewhat helpful.
  11. More exciting things including a unico pencil case (unico is a pink unicorn in a japanese cartoon) A unico/pinkunicorn bag General loveliness (ignore the camera error, she does not know why it keeps on doing that)
  12. I am posting this on behalf of pinkunicorn123 who apparently recieved a wonderful mika mail today from her partner tomomi. She wanted to tell tomomi that she is waiting on one item she is getting after work tomorrow and then she is sending hers, but that hers now has a new addition in response to tomomi's box. These are the pictures and her comments althought she accidentally forgot to take one of the pretty wrapping before she opened the box, and by the time she had taken the pictures, some items may have gone 'missing' . The best sight in the world (with cat and pig duct tape in the top right corner ) Her cat obviously agrees After the last time she posted a photo of an MM with a cat included there needed to be an 'awww' moment, so this is your moment (different cat, it hasnt just gotten fatter) Her letter, complete with picture warning of what items arent edible after she almost ate bath powder when she did not understand what the product said last time. Also chew chew and humphrey inflatable balloons (that look somewhat deflated) Some japanese tourist literature
  13. Im one of those irritating people who thinks saying things slowly and in a poorly done foreign accent that is suppose to represent that country consistutes speaking the language.
  14. i didnt see this until just now.... damn tomomi and your silly time zones beating me to it.
  15. My wonderful friend pinkunicorn123 will be around i think, although how welcome she will be is questionable. If she doesnt attend, give her a birthday toast (arf!) in advance for her late August happy 18th
  16. Try tomomi And you need a [/img] at the end of the picture link in your sig
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