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Everything posted by CrazyMoose

  1. Why cant you leave the airport, are you a national security threat? And yes, aussieland, the other side of aussie land over 6000 miles away.
  2. We get things like this: - Aussielandhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=4Ue6lTLATw8 - Scotland (for wendi) Just type 'visit' followed by a country, and then 'advert' into youtube and you can find loads, the majority of which are nothing like the place they are advertising.
  3. Well you learn something new every day. I thought you guys were all BBQs, veggiemite, surfing and irritating acents
  4. I thought it was always hot in aussie land. Either that or the touristy adverts lie to me.
  5. F*ck Off! How interesting.... Anyway! Onto something more constructive such as self-castration and eye poking with rusty screwdrivers
  6. I didnt think it was that fantastic. Im a huge fan of simon pegg, and i have seen Hot Fuzz a few times though. Although admittedly, the first time i saw it was with a male friend and i didnt catch the whole film....but thats another story.....
  7. Hmmm, respect and restricted view points have never really been my forte. Damn! *Closes the 'Pornography and drug trafficing on the internet for dummies' book and sits twiddling thumbs* F*ck, what CAN i do then?
  8. Done as requested - Thanks for the tip. Any more handy advice for being on this site?
  9. Seems i have been cajoled into posting an introduction thread. Considering i have already been named 'Grump Moose' in what little time i have been on the mfc, i think i wont spoil my title by formalities of my actual name. Except just to say howdy to you all, and thank for you letting me be a part of the site
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