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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. I know what you mean. This was such a boring work week for me.
  2. haha, I'm with you on this one. Maybe this has already been asked or there's a thread for it that I haven't seen but is anyone dressing up as Mika's characters for Halloween?
  3. Hi! Thanks for the add. How are you this fine day?

  4. Not on my computer, I used to doodle when I was in highschool, I think I might still have some of my old drawings somewhere but I've only just recently taken up drawing again.
  5. I feel like drawing too, but I'm no good at it, I get mad and go do something else. I am trying to teach myself to draw, but it's slow going.
  6. the tap tap. I didn't know they had another one! Grr, no money to go and buy it either. I'll have to put that on my wish list. I love the tap tap one though. Beginners level is a little glitchy but it's too easy for me now so it doesn't matter.
  7. No, doing something else when I should be doing homework. fun times. I did my best writing then.
  8. But you can take laptops anywhere! It's like an extension to my arm. That's the problem I have, whenever I'm on everyone's getting off. But when I'm at work or sleeping it seems everyone's on. Ah well, gives me a chance to catch up I guess.
  9. Thinking about breakfast, leftover pizza or cereal??? Such a predicament.
  10. here's a thread of people talking about what language they're going to write in, someone said they were going to write in swedish on the first page. http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/node/3266386
  11. People from all over the world join this. I think there might even be a section for people writing their novel in another language, it doesn't have to be in english.
  12. Mine too, I finally had enough money to buy my own laptop a few years ago. I'm not sure I could ever go back to sharing computers.
  13. I should know that. I have that ap on my ipod touch. it's been a long day. But . . . yesterday was so long ago.
  14. I don't think I got 1,000 words the first two years I tried. Last year I made 60,000. I'm hopinh to hit 50,000 again. hehe, glad I'm not the only one who knows what nanowrimo is. So you were at a Mika concert? How was it?
  15. hehe, me too. The only time I really get to come on here is the weekends. It's always quiet.
  16. I don't know how he goes from one place to another all the time and stays sane. I'd be very grumpy.
  17. I love this pic too, I'd never seen it before.
  18. Have any of you gotten to try their ap for the ipod/iphone touch?
  19. a bag from Avon. . . which should be in today, I think I'm gonna go get it.
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