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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Oh yay! *Claps hands* lol. I hope you like them.

    Did I ever recommend the 'Riddle Master of Hed' books?

    I read them before I ever read Lord of the Rings. They were the first books I read that really got me hooked on the fantasy genre. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Riddle-Master_of_Hed

  2. Suddenly remerering that tomorrow's Friday and I only have to work one more day! Yay!
  3. Glad to hear that it got to you safely! I can do another one as long as whoever I get paired up with doesn't mind having to wait a little while for me to get everything together and send it out. It'll take me at least a month, maybe a little longer.
  4. Yay!!! I'm excited for you. Are going to go? I'm afraid the only way I'd get to see one of his concerts if he came some place closer to me other than NYC, that's still a bit aways.
  5. [/img] More pictures of Guard Monkey and friends. Please just ignore the pile of clean laundry sitting on the edge of my bed that you can see in some of the pictures, I didn't have time to fold before I left for work. And this everything else.
  6. So I came home today and found this sitting on the front door! Yay! Totally brightened my day. Again, thank you so much for everything Inbar! [/img] I opened it up and found a monkey guarding my mail. It will probably also guard my nanowrimo novel in November Inbar, I'll set it up next to my laptop. A better look at the box. Inbar's mom made it and Inbar painted it. It is so awesome! One of my new favorite things. A look at everything else in the box. I wasn't able to get a very good picture of these earings but trust me, they are pretty sweet. Wishing I was allowed to wear earings other than post earings at work. Will be wearing them around the house. I have more pictures to put up.
  7. I getchya. The writer side in me gets annoyed with plotlines and tells me it has to be that way while the other side of me is screaming, please don't be dead! The writer's still have time to bring him back. I had friends who did that when I was in highschool. It was very irritating. It's something I try to avoid. But I think we all do it to an extent.
  8. I hate that too. What I hate more is when they bring them back in a really cheesy and or predictable way.
  9. Guess what I got today! Thank you so much inbar_assaf! I will post pictures later! I hope mine gets to you soon!!!
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