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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Feelin' like I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. haha!
  2. A conversation I had with my sister today: "So, did you sleep with the bat to chase away the bears or the men?"
  3. You know, I think I've been a member on here three months longer than you and you already have more posts than me. I need to start getting on more often!
  4. It gets like that from time to time. It'll pick up again.
  5. lol, that is a little strange but glad you're feeling better!
  6. That's no fun. Hope you feel better soon!
  7. the mouse usually. hard copy of a book or digital copy of a book?
  8. That last bit with his granny was a little odd. Haven't had any Mika dreams. Just dreams of people telling me I'm a pushover. What the heck?
  9. A little nervous. I just realized I only have two months to outline my nanowrimo.
  10. I love this song! I was so happy when I found out it was going to be on the new album.
  11. Will have to come back and read the article. Thanks for the scans and the links!
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