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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Sounds like our spring. Look what I just found http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/conversion/tempconvert.html I had to look it up, I never was good converting celcius into farhrenheit. Well, I'm off to bed. Work tomorrow.
  2. hehe, What is the temperature where you live? It's in the 90s (fahrenheit) where I live this last week. It's actually been a pretty cold summer in my part of N.Y., too much rain. Very humid. We haven't really had much of a summer.
  3. The heat is pretty bad here too. Very humid. Thankfully I've got an air conditoner in my room but that doesn't really help with the rest of the apartment.
  4. I've pronounced it both ways. If I'm just talking with my friends it's Ee-ther (I don't think I've ever heard any of them pronounce it Eye-ther) If I want to sound more sophisticated I will pronounce it Eye-ther.
  5. inbar, I mailed yours today!!!! Hopefully it'll get to you soon!!!
  6. Haha! Yes, the internet helps!

    Time for me to go to bed. Work tomorrow.

    Nice chatting.

  7. I get ya on that.

    They aren't as fast paced as most young adult novels. But I found it an easier read than LOTR, mostly because Tolkien wrote it poetically and I had to keep stopping to figure out what words meant. lol

    The third green rider book was a bit of a long read for me. A bit slower paced than the first two.

  8. I looked for a $15 dollar itunes card today and couldn't find one either! I ended up getting a $25 dollar one. Ah well, I love music, I'll find something to spend it on eventually.
  9. Hehe, I do all the time, sad I know. But if the cover's not eyecatching to me I rarely bother to pick it up unless a friend or someone recomends it.

    The Decoy Princess ones do have some romance in them but lots of fantasy type elements. I like the Truth series a little better.

  10. It's not a Young Adult novel. I would say older teens and up. I don't remember there being anything really bad in it, nothing comes to mind at least, some parts might be kind of scary for some younger teens. Depends on how your son handles that sort of thing. If he's read The Lord of the Rings he'll probably like them.

    Here's a link to the author's website, there's 3 books in the series so far, click on each book for a description. http://www.kristenbritain.com/biblio.html

    You might like any of the books by Dawn Cook http://www.dawncook.com/, I doubt your son will be intrested in these ones though. The Truth Series and the Decoy Princess books were really good. I don't know about the new short she just wrote.

  11. Will be listening to 'We Are Golden' as soon as I have a chance to redeem my itunes card and buy the song!
  12. I remember you saying you liked to read fantasy books.

    Have you read any of the Green Rider books by Kristen Britain?

  13. Don't use that tone of look with me. Well this is the say something random thread.
  14. Mailing your MM tomorrow as soon as I get out of work!!!

  15. It took me a year to find a job when I graduated highschool. Lived in a largish town but nobody wanted me. Enjoy not having a job while it lasts, having money is nice though.
  16. I didn't know that! Ah well, now I know. lol
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