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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. That's so cool!

    Maybe I will have to read it now after I finish a few of the other books I'm reading.

  2. *Snickers* I had that song running through my head all day long. Am I the only one who thinks that it sounds like it could have come off the soundtrack for the movie Rent? It's been a while since I watched that movie but that's what I thought of the first time I heard Mika's new song.
  3. Listening to some CDs my brother let me borrow and uploading pics from my sister-in-law's birthday party onto facebook. Got some that look rather, shall I say, interesting?
  4. I got to hear Mika's new single! AND I got all my work reports done on a Monday kinda scary actually. AND I might get to move out of my parent's apartment and into one of the ones downstairs. I'll be poor and but I can kick people out. Just have to get with the Landlord and make sure he hasn't let it out to anybody yet.
  5. Have had more trouble trying to sign up for Mika's magic Numbers more than anything, ever! And I still don't think it's working. I give up for today.
  6. Well, off to my sister-in-laws birthday party. Probably won't be back on until tomorrow sometime. Have a good one! Thanks for chatting.
  7. lol, can't really go into it right now. Thanks though!
  8. I'm going to hang out in here, I feel like breaking stuff today.
  9. Nothing yet. I do have plans tonight so hopefully that will go well.
  10. I think they only ask for your e-mail address to change the password. I keep getting the e-mails but I can't do anything, because I never got the registration e-mail. So I tried to log in but now it's saying my password is wrong. Grrrr, I sent an e-mail to the one they said to if I had troubles but haven't heard anything back yet.
  11. I never got the registration e-mail -- I'm hoping to find a lightscribe program to put on my laptop today!
  12. I hate spiders too! We had spider mites on some plants that came into work a few weeks ago. *Shudder*
  13. My family are the only people who make a big deal about my birthday anymore. Oh, and this lady at work who threatens to tell everyone over the loud speakers. Oi! Congrats to your brother! I won't be 25 for another 2 years.
  14. I am! She's from Isreal though. lol, I'll have to start including that I like Milka chocolate when I'm telling them about myself from now on.

  15. Haha! Sorry, but they are very good.

    I've been craving a milka lately. I haven't found any where I live. lol

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