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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Sounds lurvly. I have a few vacation days coming up soon! I don't plan on doing a thing.
  2. Thanks for posting the link! *sigh* So pretty. I finally got around to asking one of the managers at work if his parents names him Kirk after Star Trek. He said no, they just liked the name. And it was a good thing it was me asking the question otherwise . . . *Gasp! Empty threats!* Me and another lady I work with have decided we're going to call him Captain Kirk anyway.
  3. I like the jacket he's wearing in this pic. If I didn't already have a background I like one of these pics would probably be the background on my laptop.
  4. Deas Vail - Shorline It's so wrong that I thought the person singing part of this song was a girl before I saw the live video. His voice can get wicked high. If you want to check it out it's at about 4 min. in.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJrBFx6YpWI
  5. Trying to figure out exactly what steampunk is. I had it and then they sarted throwing names like cyberpunk fiction at me.
  6. *Jumps up and down, screaming like a giddy school girl.* Okay, I'm okay. I'm super excited out this!
  7. Well, it's been fun but I'm off to go try and get some sleep.
  8. Gah! Terrible mental picture! And that mental picture just got worse! I've been scarred and will have nightmares tonight!
  9. So is it wrong that I'm watching a christmas video on youtube in July? But it is quite amusing.
  10. Oh, a vacation sounds lurvly! I have a few days off at the end of this month and almost a week off in August. So looking forward to them, not sure if I'm doing anything yet but I'm still taking my vacation days. No way I'm losing them. I try to be in bed by 9:30ish because I have to get up at 5:20 am to get to work on time. Going to bed at that time hasn't been working so well.
  11. For sure, I still have to get ready for work, get the laundry in the dryer and pack a lunch for tomorrow. And I should be going to be in an hour but I doubt I'll make my bedtime tonight. The weekend always messes up my sleeping sched.
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