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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. I'm posting on here instead of writing something that should have been written yesterday. Not very naughty.
  2. Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Though I don't really agree with this person's. Not every family who works together has a fall out. Though I imagine it would be pretty hard to fire your mom if you decided you wanted someone else working for you.
  3. Quick dry nail polish. Oh my gosh! Love the stuff! Very little chance of me smudging it before it's dry.
  4. Woa! I've been a member since March I think. You've got me beat post wise.
  5. I'd say I brought Sunchips to share but I'm afraid everyone who cleaned the naughty corner will hurt me. *hides bag of chips*
  6. Listening to music and thinking I should really do some writing. It's my turn to post something on a project and I haven't done anything except think of a few ideas that might work.
  7. I don't mind it being warm, it's the humidity that get's me. Gets quite humid in N.Y. sometimes.
  8. Must of, because it's been quite warm since yesterday. Someone was telling me that this has been the coldest summer in my area in something like 40 years.
  9. Not today, just feelin' like a rebel. lol
  10. haha, can't beat a walk in hail. It was thundering a bit earlier today but it hasn't been too bad. I know some places in N.Y. got hit with hail at the begining of the week. They showed pictures on the news, entire yards covered with hail. Aww, it stopped raining.
  11. Buffalo that is. lol. We get a lot of tropical plants but I think they mainly come from a company in Florida.
  12. That close to buffalo huh? I have to drive through there to get to my grandparent's house. I'd never even heard of the chocolate smarties before. I'm not sure we sell them here in America. I've heard that the smarties(your rockets) in Canada have a stronger flavour than ours do. Ours remind me of pixi sticks, only in little circles instead of powder form. I know the store I work for gets plants from Canada from time to time.
  13. *pokes head in* hello? Anyone hoooommmee?
  14. I've never seen the chocolate smarties before. If I'm ever in Canada or in the UK I will have to try some.
  15. So glad to see you back on the site! I would go a bit mad without any internet myself.
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