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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Gosh, you guys were all busy chatting which I was at work. I missed the buzz. Petra, inbar_assaf and I are going to do a MM.
  2. My younger sister's friend thinks all my music's weird to which I respond in the most adult like way. "You're music's weirder-er."
  3. You got a lot of neat stuff! Is that flower a bag?
  4. You guys will in enjoy this one. Speaker spoke about chicken-ed in church today.
  5. Petra. You have Silver and myself down as still doing one. We've already finished. I can do another one with anyone outside the USA, car troubles are fixed and I no longer have to save money for taxi rides. Yay!
  6. Can barely keep my eyes open. I suppose I should go to sleep.
  7. My copy of the EP arrived today. The artwork is brilliant!
  8. Oh I'm sorry! I hope you start feeling not rather depressed soon. I hate when books I'm reading or a movie I watch makes me feel that way.
  9. Got everything I wanted off my old laptop and it is now handed off to my brother! yes! All my music is on the new one and now all I have to do is download some attatchments I e-mailed to myself. And I got some new music.
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