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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Just finished reading the article online. Wow that was long! I really enjoyed it though.
  2. Yelling at my new laptop's batter. You're supposed to stay charged for 6 hours, not 3 darn it! I don't get it, makes me want to cry, I don't want problems already. Guess I'm gonna have to go back this weekend if it doesn't start working.
  3. Yay! Are you sure they were taling about Blink by Ted Dekker? There is another book titles Blink but another author, whose name I sadly don't remember, that was really big for a while.
  4. It's a sad day when you get excited about throwing trash away . . .
  5. Post 5 and 6 are up if you still want to read. :-) http://projectwriteyoursocksoff.blogspot.com/

  6. Trying to install programs into my new laptop I still need to do some writing tonight. I have a midnight deadline.
  7. I got a new laptop! And I figured out why I couldn't connect to the internet with myipod touch both in the same day. Yay.
  8. Quoting my store manager here. "I don't have the letters I, C and B in my alphabet." That still doesn't give him the excuse to mess up my paperwork.
  9. :D They are really good.
  10. I had some earlier. Wish I hadn't though, I'm feeling a little ill now.
  11. Walls [Acoustic] - Emery (Gosh, I forgot how much I love this band!)
  12. Somehow, someone's more equal than others Depending on the words we choose to say
  13. I'm on a roof . . . nah, just kidding. I was feelin' left out. lol
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