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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. I think I will! I wonder if his parents named him after Captain Kirk . . . actually, I've always wondered that but never thought to ask. That's so sad. Where do you live?
  2. Thinking I should start getting ready for church. But my new alarm clock didn't go off and I overslept so now I don't really feel like doing anything . . .
  3. I think I want them too! I know it sounds silly but I won't to go to Burger King and buy a kid's meal just so I can get the Star Trek bobble heads that come with it. I want one of Spok (sp?) or Captain Kirk though. I have a manager at work whose first name is Kirk. I should start calling him Captain Kirch or something . . . now I'm starting to ramble. I should stop.
  4. You still did better than I would have. I'm not talented that way. Wish I was though.
  5. Downloading Season 5 of Stargate Atlantis off of iTunes. I got tired of waiting for it to come out on DVD. And they only have the first 12 episodes online. I need to know what happenes! I'm so sad that this is the last season though. Maybe they'll make a movie . . .
  6. itunes is digital. Barnes and nobles is a book store. Should be a hard copy.
  7. I feel for ya. It's not like I don't have anyting to do, just nothing I really feel like doing right now. I think I might end up burning some of the music I downloaded from itunes the other day to CDs so I don't loose all my music if something ever happens to my laptop. Itunes did something weird a few weeks ago and if I hadn't synced my ipod before shutting it off I would have lost all my new music.
  8. Wishing I had plans this weekend. Ah well, there is stuff to be done around the house.
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