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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. I never heard of her either. I will have to read 'Kiss' after 'Boneman's daughter.'
  2. I did read 'Blink' which I love, I wish they would make a movie out of that one. I forgot about 'Adam'. You're right that book actually was pretty good. My favorite book is 'Thr3e'. Have you read 'Kiss'? I haven't read that one yet.
  3. Yes, I read that blog too. It's cool how it inspired him to write 'Boneman's daughter'. I think he named a character after all of his kids (I think he has three) in Black, Red and White. I'm a little nervous about reading this book, I haven't really been fond of any of the books he's published since the trilogy. I did like 'Skin' but was dissapointed by the ending. And I caught a few a typos. The story sounds good though so we'll see.
  4. I just bought 'Boneman's Daughter'! I'm going to start reading it after I finish the book I'm on now.
  5. Those are really cute! I don't think I would be able to use them either. Money made me quite happy today. I love payday.
  6. Found my sun chips and I am now eating those. yum
  7. I'm not exactly eating . . . but I am chewing gum. I guess that kind of counts. Still tastes good.
  8. My current obsession is Sun Chips. Oh my gosh, so good. They killed my last obsession. Stargate Atlantis is no more and season 5 isn't on DVD yet. *Sob*
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