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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Black jeans and a pink and white, striped T-shirt.
  2. hehe, glad you liked it! I guess my friends is starting her post tomorrow so hopefully she'll have it up this week, next week if life gets too busy

  3. Peanut butter. (I've never had Nutella. Any good?) Milkshake or frosty?
  4. lol It's only like 1,200 words.

    It looks bigger because I had to split up each paragraph so they weren't all smushed together.

  5. Next post is up if you're interested in reading it. http://projectwriteyoursocksoff.blogspot.com/

  6. I finished the third post to the story I'm working on. Is now very tired but happy.
  7. That stinks. A lot of people think my younger sister is older than me. I'm older than her by four years! She thinks it's great. I just tell her wait until we're middle aged, I'll still have my youthly looks and she won't. haha!
  8. Hi! Nice to meet you! Eye candy makes me happy.
  9. I love that show! Alan Alda is really funny. I am also obsessed with itunes, can't get enough new music. It's an addiction.
  10. Thanks! I should have the next post up sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening.
  11. Thanks! So far it's been fun. I have a link posted in my sig if you're ever bored and want to read it. We don't have too much written yet.
  12. Trying to work on the story I’m writing with my friend. She’s threatening to highjack our story if I don’t post something by tomorrow. Haha!
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