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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Finding out that I got my tax refund! Woohoo!!!
  2. Wht season are you on? I've only just finished the second season and I haven't watched the last disc to the first season yet. Netflix is great!
  3. Thought I would stop by and say hiiiii!

    How is everything going?

  4. As we all know Mika is obsessed with something new about every other week This is a thread where you can list all of your current obsessions. I will start it out my listing some of mine. I am currently obsessed with the TV show ‘Stargate: Atlantis’ I don’t know why, I just am . . . the characters can be pretty sarcastic and the dialogue alone is enough to make me laugh. It amuses me. I am also obsessed with Propel flavored water. So good. And the new Sharpie pens, I like the way they write. Sorry to the mods if there is already another thread like this. I looked and couldn’t find one.
  5. Thanks. I think it's the same thing that made my hands brake out last week. I thought I was just allergic to my new department manager. hehe.
  6. Still waiting for that moment to happen today. Come and get me!
  7. Such pretty pictures! I like them all a lot! What kind of camera did you use?
  8. I hate scanning plants into our inventory at work! GRRRRRR! And to top it off I come back from lunch today and they tell me there were spiders all over some of the plants that I scanned in today! I hate spiders too! Then our plant vendor told me about all the poisonous snakes and spiders she has found in plants before. That did not help. And I also got stuck with one of the plants on my arm and now have broken out in a rash. I'm wearing gloves next time.
  9. It actually wasn't too bad. There were a couple parts where you could tell it was a low budget film and you're like 'ah, that's a little cheesy.' but I liked it. I plan on buying it when I have enough money.
  10. Just started to read 'Shopaholic' , still too early on to tell if I like it.
  11. Getting to clock out from work. Yay! My netflix movies arrived. woohoo! And Lost is on tonight! Suhweet.
  12. Watching 'House'! (the movie, not the tv show) Mwahaha! http://horror.about.com/od/2008horrortrailers/a/trailer_house08.htm
  13. Will be getting my lunch for tomorrow ready. Hmmm, what should I make?
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