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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Glad to hear that you are doing well!

    Cool! Are you happy the way your short story turned out? What's it about? If you don't mind my asking.

  2. Wow, her artwork is really amazing! My sister's a big art fan, I'm going to pass this link onto her.
  3. Oh I don't care what age you are. I'll see you around Easter.
  4. I haven't decided yet. What should I have for supper?
  5. Yes, I'm looking for someone to adopt me! *puppy dog eyes* I can do the small package or the big packages. It doesn't really matter. :-D
  6. Bleh, the busy season started at work. Things have been kind of hectic. We call it the hundred days of hell. It really seems like it sometimes. lol

    At least I don't have to work tomorrow. I have to go to the Dr.'s so I took the day off to do that and get my taxes done. I might get my hair cut, I haven't decided yet.

  7. I couldn't get on twitter earlier today. Too many people tweeting.
  8. No I have never been there.

    How are you today?

  9. Everything everyone got looks wonderful!
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