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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. That's a really pretty name! What's it like in Serbia?
  2. That's cool. :-) So you're from Serbian then? It's actually a pretty popular name here these days. It's a lot more popular than when I was a kid.
  3. Okay thanks.

    Something I wasn't totally clear on.

    Do you guys exchange packages once and then move on to a different partner or do you exchange packages so many times before moving onto a different person?

  4. Do you know if the Mika Mail thing is still going on? I thought it might be a fun thing to do in the future.

  5. I'll have to rent it when it comes out on DVD.

  6. I never thought it was creepy. Though I don't mind a little bit of creepy.

  7. I have not seen 'Slumdog Millionaire' yet. It looks like it could be good. Did you like it?

    I read the book years ago. My brother, who doesn't really like to read loved it as well.

    I've ben re-reading it on my lunch breaks. They have an ap that I was able to put on my ipod touch. It's better than I remember.

  8. I will let you know for sure!

    If it's anything like the book it'll be great!

  9. I don't mind the rain so long as the wind behaves and it isn't snowing!

    Hey, have you seen Coraline? I am going to see it with my sister on Sunday and was wondering if it is any good. I read the book years ago and loved it but movies aren't always as good as the book.

  10. Glad to be done with the week. It's been such a wacky work week I was ready to get out of there today! Plus it was pay day and that always makes things seem brighter.

    Oh I hope there's a new mika blog soon. I'm really looking forward to whatever he writes next. They're usually really interesting or amusing at least.

    Ah well, I have Coraline to look forward to on Sunday if nothing else.

  11. hehe. That's okay.

    Right now it's warm one day and cold the next. Sunny one day and cloudy the next. This weekends supposed to be pretty nice though.

  12. Yes. I live in N.Y. state. Right now I wihed I lived in a warmer state. At least until the really cold weather was gone.

    How 'bout you. Do you live in a cold or warm state?

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