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About kirsxxx

  • Birthday 11/02/1985


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    New Mika Fan
  1. Moin! Endlich hab diesen thread gefunden... Wollte auch hier mal hallo sagen. Im dänischen thread war ich schon, der war nicht so schwer zu finden. (Vielleicht hab ich auch nur nicht richtig gesucht???) Kommt hier sonst noch wer aus dem kalten Norden? Kirsten
  2. Tach auch und willkommen! Ich komme eher aus dem kalten hohen Norden, aber es ist doch schön ein paar Leute aus dem gleichen Land hier zu treffen. Have fun here! Kirsten
  3. Hi Jana und willkommen. Bin selber auch neu, und hoffe dass du dich hier bald so wohl fühlst wie ich, auch wenn ich's manchmal schwer finde, alles mitzubekommen. Meine deutsche Hälfte der Familie kommt übrigens aus Hessen Gruss Kirsten
  4. Thanks:biggrin2: hmmm, let's see... like noose but you have to say the K also, and the u is short:rolleyes: Knus
  5. Yup, but right now it's a bit confusing with all these errors and breaking downs... And just found out, that I probably not will be able to see the Show in Berlin:shocked:

  6. Oh I love this:

    -I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and besides the pig likes it.-




  7. HELLO!!!! OMG - what an exciting time to be a Mika Fan :naughty:

  8. Hej vikingere, Jeg er ny i MFC og ville lige sende en hilsen til alll skandinaviere. Ved godt der står Germany i min profil, men det er nu også der jeg bor. Men vil gerne også betegnes som vikinger, da jeg jo li'som også tilhører de nordiske stammer. (Bor i det område syd for grænsen, der var dansk for mange år siden...) Ser frem til at snakke med jer! Kirsxxx
  9. Yay my first added friend :-):roll1:


    Hi there

  10. Welcome to the MFC! :huglove:

  11. Tak tak, det gik sørme hurtigt med det første svar
  12. Hi, finally I found some time to make my first post. I'm a danish/german, 23 years old student, who lives in Germany (near the danish border) and studies in Denmark. I got Life in Cartoon Motion as a present some day in 2007, but never really recognized how genius Mika´s music is... (I've got so much different music, and hardly have the time to hear it all...) Then I had a bad day some months ago, and found "Over my shoulder" and especially "My Interpretation", which helped me in so many ways... Now I'm totally addicted to his music and voice. It is so refreshing to hear some music, which is composed by an real artist (my opinion). And by the way, I love the way he smiles and does crazy things! Happy to be here and I hope I'll find my way through all these forums... Knus (danish, means hug... just because I'm used to) Kirsxxx
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