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Posts posted by DuMika

  1. Seems like we have a similar situation :aah: for me to send a package to Europe it won't cost less than $30 (although is a bit less than 30 euros, but my biggest fear is that it never leaves São Paulo :aah:)


    yes,but i live in central europe and it doesn't have to cost that much..it's freaking expensive.

  2. Where do you live? at the moon? >.< It cost like 3 euros, to send a package from Germany to here..


    Maybe we shouldn't do it anyway lol:aah:


    no,i'm serious,the hungarian post is,erm not that good:blink:

    I want to do it but i'll go into a post office and ask about it,i can't belive this either

  3. Hey!

    I finally foud this thread.I'm a massive TT fan, I freaking love them:wub2:

    Esp.Rob&Mark...I don't have a huge TTfan past,I've been a fan since last year i think,but now i've got almost all of their and Rob's CDs and DVDs.I planned to go to Munich too,but I couldn't collect the money for it,unfortunately.I don't think that they're coming here,but i'm just hoping for Rob.He's been here for 2times,but last time it was in 2006 when i was 9,so i missed it too.Really want to see them live one day.


    btw,Rob's fanmail adress: http://www.fanmail.biz/46022.html

  4. Hey guys!

    Soo,here's my report.

    I just bought my tickets on the day of the festival and after it I went to meet with Pucsesz.We went together by car and we had a great time together.We arrived at 3am and we FINALLY found the festival(:biggrin2:)

    We went to the main stage where the keenly MFCrs waited.We met Zsina and Dorii and we went to see another concert on another stage.It was a bit odd but it was great.We went back saw a Hungarian Orchestra band's concert and Big Boi after it.BB was singing and he wanted me and the girl next to me to go up on stage but we didn't:blink:

    During BB a girl came out and took the BGs and the LGs.

    Before M's show Cherisse came in and I shouted to her and we spoke a bit.(She was really cute).

    During the show we felt AMAZING it was really good,honestly.

    He could not start Happy Ending cause the crowd sang it instead of him.He was really cute.There were the bubbles and the fantastic crowd that no one excepted.

    After the show we were running with Suzie but we lost her at the entrance so we couldn't meet him.I saw that some girls hugged him and took photos.Yes,we missed this but the show was seriously really really good.Hope that he'll come back soon.:thumb_yello:

  5. Oh my god it was the best night in my whole life!!!!! I almost gave up but he came to M&G i'll write a report soon! It was perfect. Oh and he already has my drawings! :clap: AND HE GAVE ME A HUG!!!!


    oooooh god,no!We were running with Dorii behind you and Suzie,but we lost you at the entrance.We were just like "I think he won't come".But as I read it he did.I'm really upset,but ofc happy for all of you who met him

  6. Sziasztok!


    Én sajnos nem tudtam ott lenni a koncerten. Láttam a képeket biztos remek volt! Meséljetek milyen volt?


    Hihetetlen,tényleg.Szerintem verte a bécsi koncertet.Nagyon nagyon jó volt.(Nem azért mondom,hogy kínozzalak,de tényleg:aah:)

  7. Sziasztok!:)

    Ma megvettem a napraforgómat.Nagyon király,sárga is meg középen fekete is,úgyhogy totál napraforgó:teehee:

    A One Euro Marketben vettem,290Ft volt és ugyanitt vettem 2nagyobb kézi buborékfújót is ugyanennyiért.

    Váá,holnap találkozunk:mf_lustslow:

  8. én arra gondoltam,az nem jó ha én összetákolok magamnak egy napraforgót papírból?nem nagyon láttam még sehol ilyen művackot.

    ééés nekem MÉG csak ilyen hagyományos buborékfújóm van,de próbálkozom az ipari mennyiségre szakosodottat is beszerezni hamarosan!



    igen:punk: írjatok még ötleteket.



    A transzparensre van konkrétabb elképzelés? Milyen nagyságú legyen, hogy emeljük fel láthatóságig (ha nem lehet magasba emelni, akkor csak az első sorban kivitelezhető), mi legyen rajta, ki(k) készíti(k)? stb?


    Szerintem mindenképpen valami vászon vagy ilyesmi anyag kéne,mivel a karton nem valami strapabíró ill a szállítást is meg kell oldani.Szerbiában volt az,amit Keti festett,az pl nekem tetszett.Sztem vmi olyasmi kéne meggyőző felirattal!:biggrin2:

    Nekünk amúgy van itthon egy marha nagy darab vászon anyagunk,de igazság szerint nem tudom,hogy az felhasználható e erre a célra,de majd megkérdezem.


    Zsina!Ebben te vagy a szakértő: szerinted milyen festékkel lehetne arra festeni,hogy ne kopjon le,látszódjon,stb.?:blink:

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