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Everything posted by FralovesMika

  1. Va benissimo gioia, quando puoi, non ti preoccupare...se c'è temporale so che non se pò!

    Maledetto tempaccio! Niente un pò di depressione cosmica... non ti preoccupare, ci sentiamo baciotti!

  2. Ciao Mari!

    Figurati è il minimo, poi dico sempre quello che penso.

    Papi si sta un pò riprendendo, si aspettano i risultati degli esami, ma probabilmente è un brutta infezione.

    Un bacione grande anche te, hugs ^.^

  3. Moreeeee ciaooo! Ti va una skyppata veloce? Sono triste! :(

  4. Patatola, ma dove mi sei finita?! Miss u =)

  5. Ciao Mari! Grazie mille, si infatti la scuola e l'ultimo anno arriviamo a Luglio esami e finita lì...è un pò la situazione in sè che è pesante u per tante cose tutte insieme, ma spero si risolvano. Per mio padre anch'io spero non sia niente di grave c'è da aspettare e vedremo, grazie mille dell'interessamento.

    Un bacio

  6. FOR SURE!!!!!! OH GOD! I'm in hyperventilation! You have to breath Fra...wow Can you pass me as PM please? And i think say i love you it's a bit exagerated but i really don't care!
  7. Oh my Godness! I bet you know about which photo i'm considering, isn't it Nerys?
  8. Marzia! You're so lovely girl i'm really glad to have meet you finally, this report has shook me and atm i'm crying...you made me relive all the emotions of that evening and you really know what i'm talking about! Love you girl thx 4 the quote and all the rest i hope to meet you another time very soon
  9. Oh really, ahah yeah there was a lot of strange that we can't recognize Who am i? Thx to you and Giulia for the photos! Love you girls!
  10. I can't be calm till i see the vids, in this moment i think i'll never be a calm person again ! Panic, panic, panic! Who were the other girls? LOL i didn't say nothing...lalalala Thanks everyone for photos and vids i think i'll save everything LOL It was to special to forget and don't try :wub2:to have everything as a memory...
  11. Oh boy what a day and i evidence what a night we had yesterday! What can i say more? Everybody told everything and i'm not clear in my mind yet to thank everyone deserbe it (He i s a part of course!) I really need some rest, today i really looked more like a dead girl than yesterday! Pretty scared about the Lollipo vids! See you tomorrow! 'Night
  12. Ok it's a cute thing you're welcome! Bie bie :)

  13. You're welcome, all the Mfcers are ^^ I don't want to seem silly but i always ask why for the friendship request ;D See you!

  14. Ehy! Thanks for friendship request ^^ I'm Francesca from Italy and you?

  15. Ehy Cla! Persono ho visto il messaggio solo ora ^-^ un bacio

  16. Can't really say nothing more So honoured, so happy! Thanks all, it was the greatest promotion on italian tv ever! Now let's wait for RDS ^^
  17. Ciauuuuuu tesoooo =D

  18. Tesoro quando hai tempo vieni in msn?

    Mi si sta tirando fuori tutta la cattiveria possibile e immaginabile...

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