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Everything posted by ellen5000

  1. i wish my friends would do that any way thnx omg but its so nice:naughty:
  2. could you ask her omg its really cool maybe i should just stick mika to a mouse mat then ill have a mika mouse mat:biggrin2:
  3. omg i want that that mouse mat where did you get it:shocked: from my wall is rubish i got one photo and a load of stuff i drew about him and stuff its rubbish im so jelous
  4. i agree, yup, definatley... mika:mf_lustslow:
  5. hope it goes well she might need some persuading as some people do (cuz not everyones keen on mika:mf_lustslow: apart from us lol)
  6. nice thread my dad:absoloutly hates him my mum:hes alright a few of his songs are ok my sister : anoiyed brother 1 /16 yrs old:hes the worst ever:sneaky2: brother 2 /6 yrs :dont really know brother3 /:??????? grandad: calls dr jhon ,dr tom hes alright nan : ok cousin i hate we are golden cuz of the part wen he ses golden alot more ppl but dont want to go on
  7. oh yea check out ma new thread mika braces in chat bout mika

  8. Oh yea i get what you mean what shall we do bout it

  9. yea sure sounds good ill have a good look and ask around:thumb_yello:
  10. thx :blush-anim-cl:im sure he had loads befor anyway i didnt know anyway im sure ill get loads more posts like this but ill carry on anyway unless any one has any other suggestions at all as you sed it was a long time ago so he might need some new ones lol:naughty:
  11. oh its still good im going to birmingham hopefully ,you might get a better chance of meeting mika

  12. i hope no one minds me doing this but hr goes . im planning on getting some braces to give to mika and putting some names of the mfcers on first come first served but befor all that where where asking for our names on it (hopefully) i need to know where to get braces that will fit him and stuff like that, weve got ages here are some things i need to know... .where do i get braces? (not the clip on ones ) .is it a good project? and so on... also this might not be happening untill i find out if im going to the gig. if you want to be on it just pm me i think thankyou for looking at ma thread
  13. you know the mika uk gigs are you going to one if so which one

  14. i need your permision if i can sort of do the same as your idea but with braces aka the belt:biggrin2: so can i it will be done after christmas

    ive got ageza couple of months but you gotta be organised right ill make a thread and if you dont want me to ill deleat it ... somehow:biggrin2:

  15. yea i do ill have a look:thumb_yello:
  16. :biggrin2:hiiiii its ok now isnt it

  17. im sure youll do it in time and it looks brill i cant wait till ma name is on it the beutty of it (not the name)
  18. lucky you my fav colour is green i need names of the shops plz
  19. ive got two shops , tell me what shops you got them from cuz i really want coloured jeans ive only got one pair of normal blue jeans.im ill be really sad if i dont get any. but them jeans hes whereing are amaizing really:aah:
  20. ill try again then

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