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About allieg90

  • Birthday 04/29/1990


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    Blame it on the boys
  1. Well you know, at least you get to avoid the oh so avid annoyences of stedent protests, sexual advertisement everywhere, and disgusting PETA awareness ads staring you in the face when you eat in the cafeteria (and may I say, I am all for animal rights, but seeing a dead puppy while I eat is just wrong). And I'm not even a prude haha! Its just that excessive!
  2. Oh man, your school is strict! They can say the B word on radios here, so forget schools! Schools anything goes really (public at least). Its a shame, Blame it on the Girls is so fun!
  3. No I have liked him quite a while now! I joined the fan club before but life took over and by the time I had a chance to go back on I forgot my username and my password haha!

  4. I discovered Mika via the radio when Grace Kelly started playing. Until then (and still) I was in love with the irreplacable voice of Freddy Mercury of Queen. However, upon hearing Mika, I was amazed that there was somebody with a voice so amazingly reminiscant of Freddy yet so unique. Since then I have avidly listened to Mika, for his music is definitely a high dose happiness I pill I refuse to stop taking.
  5. :bye: Welcome to MFC :D First Mika gig?
  6. Welcome to the MFC!!! :huglove:

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