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Everything posted by eloise.shaw

  1. David Tennant as the Dr Adam from Casualty Jay from Casualty Ross from Friends
  2. I shall Well, it won't be for long as I have school exams coming up But then I'll have the summer holidays!
  3. Damn. This thread is awesome, but I wish I had a kid!
  4. Thankyou for posting the original and translation! I am also disappointed that it wasn't from a fan, and to be honest, I don't see the meaning to this illustration... Anway. Coffee? I think he's getting addicted (kidding) As I don't like coffee much, maybe he will change my opinion about it, and make it into something interesting that non-coffee fans will still like! I really hope his hearing doesn't get destroyed. I'm hearing about artists these days that are having trouble with their hearing, and how it effects their (studio) music. Let's just hope it's in a good way!
  5. It's neither good nor bad, depends whether you think posting is good or not I guess it shows I spend alot of time on here I agree, I don't even know some people near the top! Although, to me it doesn't matter how people post. It doesn't bother me.
  6. Ooooh! It's longer than usual! Thankyou for posting Still nothing in the UK?
  7. TNP So. Mika is good at acting is he? That is not surprising. I'd love to see him act some more
  8. Aujourd 'hui, j'ai l'ecole. C'etait grand. EDIT: That doesn't sound good.
  9. I REALLY want to see them live. Love them so much!!! Walking on a dream is just a summer hit that you would want to dance to in the sunset on a warm summers evening.
  10. The remix?! That's weird! I never would have thought they'd play rain, but the REMIX?! Truly awesome.
  11. Oh right :naughty: I'm lucky I suppose!


    Yes. Mika...

  12. It was a long time ago and I only noticed about a week ago :aah: It must have been when she followed her fans, but she doesn't seem to do that much any more?!

  13. Oh it's fine! Thankyou so much for sending it in the end!!! :aah:

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